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The SST awaits nightfall to be tasked with scanning space from its location atop the Atom Site, a high-altitude observation point in New Mexico that provides a view of the sky that is virtually untouched by light pollution.
space situational awareness
A unique curved focal surface enables a highly sensitive telescope capable of surveying broad swaths of deep space to detect the faintest objects in the night sky.
Ray tracing that simulates wave propagation is used to build performance models for high-frequency radar and communication systems.
New algorithms improve the resilience of satellite and RF systems to impacts from space weather.
Lincoln Laboratory personnel Joseph Zurkus, left, and Jacob Huang, right, operate a protected tactical waveform modem and collect data while Ted O'Connell, back, monitors terminal equipment during flight testing.
satellite communications (SATCOM)
Satellite communications technologies enable the U.S. military to maintain connectivity in the field.