The effectiveness of adaptive PRF selection in minimizing range obscuration in the TDWR system
An adaptive procedure for selecting radar pulse repetition frequency (PRF) has been developed as the primary means of minimizing the occurence of range aliased echoes within operationaly significant coverage aread (e.g., airport runways) of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system. This procedure underwent extensive testing at the S-Band TDWR...
Range obscuration mitigation by adaptive PRF selection for the TDWR System
The Federal Aviation Administration has recently awarded a contract for the procurement of 47 Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) systems to be sited near high traffic airports. These systems will collect and process Doppler radar data that will be used by fully automated algorithms to identify hazardous meteorological wind shear...
TDWR PRF selection criteria
The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system shall provide high quality Doppler radar data on weather phenomena near high traffic airports. These data shall be used in real time by automated TDWR algorithms to detect weather situations which may be hazardous to the safe operation of aircraft within the vicinity...