Anomalous propagation associated with thunderstorm outflows
Battan noted that ducting of radar energy by anomalous atmospheric refractive index profiles and resulting abnormally strong ground clutter can occur during three types of meteorological circumstance: (i) large scale boundary layer temperature inversions and associated sharp decrease in moisture with height -- these are often created by nocturnal radiative...
Coherent processing across multi-PRI waveforms
Meteorological Doppler radars have typically utilized constant pulse-repetition intervals (PRI) to facilitate clutter filtering and estimation of weather echo spectral moments via pulse-pair or periodogram-based algorithms. Utilization of variable PRIs to support resolution of velocity ambiguities has been discussed, for example by Banjanin and Zrnic, but not implemented owing to...
Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) Wind Shear Processor - 1991 Test at Orlando, Florida
An operational test of a Wind Shear Processor (WSP) add-on to the Federal Aviation Administration's airport surveillance radar (ASR-9) took place at Orlando International Airport during July and August 1991. The test allowed for both quantitative assessment of the WSP's signal processing and wind shear detection algorithms and for feedback...
The 1990 Airport Surveillance Radar Wind Shear Processor (ASR-WSP) operational test at Orlando International Airport
Lincoln Laboratory, under sponsorship from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is conducting a program to evaluate the capability of the newest Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR-9) to detect hazardous weather phenomena -- in particular, low-altitude wind shear created by thunderstorm-generated microbursts and gust fronts. The ASR-9 could provide coverage at airports...
Weather information requirements for terminal air traffic control automation
Aviation operations in the airport terminal area, where flights converge from a number of directions onto one or two active runways, create a fundamental limitation on the capacity of the national airspace system. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recognized that the throughput of existing terminals can be increased...
The relationship between lightning type and convective state of thunderclouds
Thunderstorm case studies and earlier observations are described which illuminate the relationship between cloud vertical development and the prevalence of intracloud (IC) and cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning. A consistent temporal evolution starting with peak IC activity changing to predominant CG activity and concluding with strong outflow (microburst) suggests that ice is...
Microburst detection with airport surveillance radars
With the advent of fully digital signal processing for new airport surveillance radars (ASR-9), terminal air traffic control displays will be largely free of clutter from precipitation and ground scatterers [1,2]. Early acceptance testing of the ASR-9, however, indicated that working air traffic controllers actually made considerable use of the...
Dual-beam autocorrelation based wind estimates from airport surveillance radar signals
This report describes an efficient, autocorrelation based algorithm for estimating low altitude radial winds using signals from the two receiving beams of an airport surveillance radar (ASR). The approach seeks to achieve the accuracy demonstrated previously for spectral domain dual beam velocity estimators with significantly reduced computational requirements. Fundamental to...
ASR-9 weather channel test report
The ASR-9, the next generation airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. This report presents...
Weather sensing with airport surveillance radars
Modern airport surveillance radars (ASR) are coherent, pulsed-Doppler radars used for detection and tracking of aircraft in terminal area air space. The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA is procuring over 100 next-generation ASR-9 radars for major US. airports while relocating existing ASR-8s to secondary terminals. Thus within the next five years...