Multifunction phased array radar (MPAR) spectral usage analysis
This report addressed two technical risks associated with replacing current air traffic and weather surveillance radars with a single type of multifunction phased array radar (MPAR). The first risk is whether radio spectrum usage would increase with the MPAR network and whether the allocated band will have enough spectral space...
Analytical workload model for estimating en route sector capacity in convective weather
We have extended an analytical workload model for estimating en route sector capacity to include the impact of convective weather. We use historical weather avoidance data to characterize weather blockage, which affects the sector workload in three ways: (1) Increase in the conflict resolution task rate via reduction in available...
Analysis of ground-based radar low-altitude wind-shear detection in OEP terminal airspace for NextGen
To support the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), the Reduce Weather Impact Sensor RightSizing program is identifying and analyzing gaps in the current sensor network coverage relative to the Four-Dimensional Weather Data Cube Single Authoritative Source performance requirements. In this study, we look for shortfalls in low-altitude wind-shear sensing...
Wind-shear system cost-benefit analysis
Mitigating thunderstorm wind-shear threats for aircraft near the ground has been an important issue since the 1970s, when several fatal commercial aviation accidents were attributed to wind shear. Updating the knowledge base for airport wind-shear exposure and effectiveness of detection systems has become critical to the Federal Aviation Administration as...
OEP terminal and CONUS weather radar coverage gap identification analysis for NextGen
The initial results of a weather radar coverage analysis in support of the Reduce Weather Impacts (RWI) Sensor RightSizing program are presented. The main impetus behind this study is to identify gaps in the radar network relative to the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) end-state performance requirements. Because detailed...
Terminal Doppler Weather Radar enhancements
The design of an open radar data acquisition system for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar is presented. Adaptive signal transmission and processing techniques that take advantage of the enhanced capabilities of this new system are also discussed. Results displaying data quality improvements with respect to problems such as range-velocity ambiguity...
Signal processing algorithms for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar: Build 2
As a new radar data acquisition system (RDA) was developed for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), enhanced signal processing algorithms taking advantage of its increased capabilities were also developed. The primary goals of protecting the base data estimates from range-aliased signals and providing reliable velocity dealiasing were achieved through...
Comment on "Reinterpreting aircraft measurement in anisotropic scaling turbulence" by Lovejoy et al. (2009)
Recently, Lovejoy et al. (2009) argued that the steep ~k-3 atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum at synoptic scales (>~1000km) observed by aircraft is a spurious artefact of aircraft following isobars instead of isoheights. Without taking into account the earth's rotation they hypothesize that the horizontal atmospheric energy spectrum should scale as...
Moving clutter spectral filter for Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
Detecting low-altitude wind shear in support of aviation safety and efficiency is the primary mission of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR). The wind-shear detection performance depends directly on the quality of the data produced by the TDWR. At times the data quality suffers from the presence of clutter. Al-though...
Redeployment of the New York TDWR - technical analysis of candidate sites and alternative wind shear sensors
The John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and LaGuardia Airport (LGA) are protected from wind shear exposure by the New York Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), which is currently located at Floyd Bennet Field, New York. Because of a September 1999 agreement between the Department of the Interior and the...