Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast in the Gulf of Mexico
The Federal Aviation Administration is adopting Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) to provide surveillance in the National Airspace System (NAS). Aircraft separation services are currently provided by a system of en route and terminal radars, and the performance of these radars in part dictates the separation distance required between aircraft. ADS-B...
Analysis of ground surveillance assets to support Global Hawk airspace access at Beale Air Force Base
This study, performed from May 2006 to January 2007 by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, investigated the feasibility of providing ground-sensor-based traffic data directly to Global Hawk operators at Beale AFB. The system concept involves detecting and producing tracks for all cooperative (transponder-equipped) and non-cooperative aircraft from the surface to 18,000 ft...
Required surveillance performance accuracy to support 3-mile and 5-mile separation in the National Airspace System
The Federal Aviation Administration is modernizing the Air Traffic Control system to improve flight efficiency, to increase capacity, to reduce flight delays, and to control operating costs as the demand for air travel continues to grow. Promising new surveillance technologies such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast, (ADS-B), multisensor track fusion...
Surveillance accuracy requirements in support of separation services
The Federal Aviation Administration is modernizing the Air Traffic Control system to improve flight efficiency, to increase airspace capacity, to reduce flight delays, and to control operating costs as the demand for air travel continues to grow. Promising new surveillance technologies such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast and multisensor track...
Remotely piloted vehicles in civil airspace: requirements and analysis methods for the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) and see-and-avoid systems
The integration of Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RF'Vs) into civil airspace will require new methods of ensuring aircraft separation. This paper discusses issues affecting requirements for RPV traffic avoidance systems and for performing the safety evaluations that will be necessary to certify such systems. The paper outlines current ways in which...
Safety analysis process for the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and see-and-avoid systems on remotely piloted vehicles
The integration of Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs) into civil airspace will require new methods of ensuring traffic avoidance. This paper discusses issues affecting requirements for RPV traffic avoidance systems and describes the safety evaluation process that the international community has deemed necessary to certify such systems. Alternative methods for RPVs...
Analysis and comparison of separation measurement errors in single sensor and multiple radar mosiac display terminal environments
This paper presents an analyis to estimate and characterize the errors in the measured separation distance between aircraft that are displayed on a radar screen to a controller in a single sensor terminal environment compared to a multiple radar mosiac terminal environment. The error in measured or displayed separation is...
Surveillance performance requirements for runway incursion prevention systems
In response to concerns over the number of runway incursions and runway conflicts at U.S. airports, the FAA is sponsoring research and development of safety systems for the airport surface. Two types of safety systems are being actively pursued, a tower cab alerting system and a runway status light system...
An assessment of the communications, navigation, surveillance (CNS) capabilities needed to support the future Air Traffic Management System
The purpose of this study was to assess the Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) capabilities needed to support future Air Traffic Management (ATM) functionality in the National Airspace System (NAS). The goal was to determine the most effective areas for research and technical development in the CNS field and to...
An operational concept for the Smart Landing Facility (SLF)
This paper describes an operational concept for the Smart Landing Facility (SLF). The SLF is proposed as a component of the Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) and is envisioned to utilize Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) technologies to support higher-volume air traffic operations in a wider variety...