An assessment of the communications, navigation, surveillance (CNS) capabilities needed to support the future Air Traffic Management System
The purpose of this study was to assess the Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) capabilities needed to support future Air Traffic Management (ATM) functionality in the National Airspace System (NAS). The goal was to determine the most effective areas for research and technical development in the CNS field and to...
Effects of metering precision and terminal controllability on runway throughput
In order to efficiently use available runway capacity while avoiding undue congestion within terminal airspace, systems of flow control and en route metering have been implemented. Recent work in automation has attempted to extend traffic flow planning to provide precise scheduling of traffic flow within the terminal area itself (from...
Impact of weather event uncertainty upon an optimum ground-holding strategy
When weather events are expected to produce significant delays at destination airports, the traffic flow management system in the United States holds departing aircraft on the ground in an attempt to reduce delay costs to the operator and to alleviate airborne congestion. Selecting the correct amount of ground holding is...
Air-to-air visual acquisition handbook
The document describes a set of computer programs that provide a practical means for predicting air-to-air visual acquisition performance for aircraft on collision courses. The programs are based upon a mathematical model of pilot visual acquisition performance. Guidelines are provided for selecting model parameters based upon previously collected flight test...
Unalerted air-to-air visual acquisition
A series of flight tests were flown to measure pilot air-to-air visual acquisition performance for pilots employing unalerted visual search. Twenty-four general aviation subject pilots flew a cross-country route while an intercepting aircraft was controlled to produce three intercepts with altitude separation of 500 feet. Pilots received no traffic advisory...
Weather information requirements for terminal air traffic control automation
Aviation operations in the airport terminal area, where flights converge from a number of directions onto one or two active runways, create a fundamental limitation on the capacity of the national airspace system. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recognized that the throughput of existing terminals can be increased...
Planning horizon requirements for automated terminal scheduling
This paper presents the results of an engineering analysis of the ability of an automated terminal scheduling process to achieve efficient use of runways. The motivation for the analysis is the need to understand possible architectures for an implementation of the proposed Terminal Air Traffic Automation (TATCA) system. The performance...
Analysis of the potential benefits of Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA)
Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA) is an FAA research and development program to provide computer-aided sequencing, spacing, and management of air traffic flows in terminal areas. This paper discusses technical and national economic benefits that are attainable with such a terminal automation program.
Experimental examination of the benefits of improved terminal air traffic control planning
Airport capacity can be improved significantly-by precisely controlling the sequence and timing of traffic flow-even when airspace usage and procedures remain fixed. In a preliminary experiment, a plan for such sequencing and timing was applied in a simulation to a 70-min traffic sample observed at Boston's Logan Airport, and the...
Pilot evaluation of TCAS in the Long Ranger helicopter
A specially modified version of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) was installed in a Bell Long Ranger helicopter in order to investigate the feasibility of TCAS operation in rotorcraft. This installation employed TCAS air-to-air surveillance to provide automated traffic advisories that were displayed in the cockpit on...