Safety analysis for advanced separation concepts
Aviation planners have called for increasing the capacity of the air transportation system by factors of two or three over the next 20 years. The inherent spatial capacity of en route airspace appears able to accommodate such traffic densities. But controller workload presents a formidable obstacle to achieving such goals...
Remotely piloted vehicles in civil airspace: requirements and analysis methods for the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) and see-and-avoid systems
The integration of Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RF'Vs) into civil airspace will require new methods of ensuring aircraft separation. This paper discusses issues affecting requirements for RPV traffic avoidance systems and for performing the safety evaluations that will be necessary to certify such systems. The paper outlines current ways in which...
Safety analysis process for the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and see-and-avoid systems on remotely piloted vehicles
The integration of Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs) into civil airspace will require new methods of ensuring traffic avoidance. This paper discusses issues affecting requirements for RPV traffic avoidance systems and describes the safety evaluation process that the international community has deemed necessary to certify such systems. Alternative methods for RPVs...
Modifications to ACAS safety study methods for remotely piloted vehicles (RPV)
Estimating the relative safety of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) equipped with ACAS will require several extensions to the methods developed in previous ACAS studies. This paper outlines several of these redesign issues. First, it may be necessary to compute the probability that an RPV will experience a critical encounter...
Adaptive doppler filtering applied to modern air traffic control radars
This paper presents an analysis of the Doppler processing technology currently in use in the nation's terminal airport surveillance radars, and examines possibilities for performance improvement, particularly in the presence of moving clutter. The research focuses on five- and eight-pulse waveform methodologies and their respective detection capabilities given clearly defined...
ADS-B Airborne Measurements in Frankfurt
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) was the subject of airborne testing in Frankfurt, Germany in May 2000. ADS-B is a system in which latitude-longitude information is broadcast regularly by aircraft, so that receivers on the ground and in other aircraft can determine the presence and accurate locations of the transmitting aircraft...
Validation techniques for ADS-B surveillance data
Surveillance information forms the basis for providing traffic separation services by Air Traffic Control. The consequences of failures in the integrity and availability of surveillance data have been highlighted in near misses and more tragically, by midair collisions. Recognizing the importance and criticality of surveillance information, the U.S. Federal Aviation...
Analysis and comparison of separation measurement errors in single sensor and multiple radar mosiac display terminal environments
This paper presents an analyis to estimate and characterize the errors in the measured separation distance between aircraft that are displayed on a radar screen to a controller in a single sensor terminal environment compared to a multiple radar mosiac terminal environment. The error in measured or displayed separation is...
COTS fusion tracker evaluation
Lincoln Laboratory was tasked by the FAA to measure the performance of a representative sample of current commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) fusion trackers. This effort included cataloging the companies that have available ATC fusion trackers, acquiring executable tracker images from as many as possible of these trackers, running the commercial tracker...
ASR-8/TDX-2000 performance analysis: evaluation of multiple-time-around-detection (MTAD) algorithm and final report
This report documents the analysis of and subsequent improvements to the performance of the ASR-8/TDX-2000 digitizer equipment combination. Working at the FAA's Palm Springs, CA and Williams (Mesa, AZ) ASR-8 facilities, data was methodically collected and analyzed to isolate the causes of reported correlated radar-only tracks that were being dropped...