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Verification of DABS sensor surveillance performance (ATCRBS Mode) at typical ASR sites throughout CONUS
A Transportable Measurement Facility (TMF) incorporating antenna, r-f, and reply processing elements of a Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) sensor has been sited at, and in the vicinity of, several FAA terminal ASR's throughout the United States. Data collected at these sites have been thoroughly analyzed to verify the design...
Uplink coverage measurements in the Los Angeles Area for passive BCAS
Uplink (1030 MHz) measurement results are presented, based on data recorded by the Airborne Measurement Facility of the M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory during normal landings and take-offs at the LAX, Van Nuys, and San Diego airports. The data presented are relevant to current investigations of passive beacon-based collision avoidance systems and...
Proposed technical characteristics for the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS)
This report parallels the Proposed U. S. National Aviation Standard for the Discrete Address Beacon System. However, in addition to the material contained in the Proposed Standard this document provides a more detailed performance specification for the DABS transponder including specifications on transponder receiver sensitivity and performance in interference. It...
A hardware implementation of the ATCRBS reply processor used in DABS
A special-purpose digital hardware processor, which implements the ATCRBS Reply Processing algorithms designed for use in the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) has been developed and used in two DABS-related programs. This report gives a detailed functional description of this processor as implemented by Lincoln Laboratory. With minor modifications it...
DABS coverage
DABS sensors are to be installed at FAA ASR and ARSR sites throughout continental U.S. as a part of the evolutionary upgrading of the third generation ATC Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). It is therefore important to establish: (1) the degree of 3D coverage which would be provided by such deployment...
Coaxial magnetron spectra and instabilities
Application of advanced radar clutter rejection techniques to FAA airport surveillance and enroute radars is constrained by inherent instabilities and spectral properties of the device used with the radar transmitter to generate high level RF pulse energy, and the degree to which its spectrum can be influenced by the circuit...
Effects of RF power deviations on BCAS link reliability
In the design of BCAS there is some freedom in the choice of specifications for BCAS transmitter power and receiver MTL (Minimum Triggering Level). Transmitter power should be high enough to provide adequate link reliability while being low enough to prevent interference problems. The question of providing adequate link reliability...
Comparison of the performance of the moving target detector and the radar video digitizer
Results of side by side simultaneous tests to compare the performance of the Moving Target Detector (MID) digital signal processor and that of a newly developed adaptive sliding window detector, the Radar Video Digitizer (RVD-4), are described. The MTD, used with a highly modified FPS-18, employs coherent linear doppler filtering...
Air-to-air visual acquisition performance with Pilot Warning Instruments (PWI)
Subject pilot flight tests conducted at the M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory have produced new data characterizing the ability of general aviation pilots to visually acquire portential collision hazards when aided by Pilot Warning Instruments (PWI). In this paper major issues in the design of Pilot Warning Instruments are reviewed. Visual acquisition...
Description and performance evaluation of the moving target detector
Under FAA sponsorship, MIT, Lincoln Laboratory has developed new techniques which significantly enhance automated aircraft detection in all forms of clutter. These techniques are embodied in a digital signal processor called the Moving Target Detector (MTD). This processor has been integrated into the ARTS-III system at the National Aviation Facilities...