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DABS monopulse summary
Improved azimuthal resolution of proximate aircraft necessary to support ATC automation can be achieved by beacon surveillance systems employing monopulse angle estimation techniques described in this report. Included in the report are the results of beacon surveillance monopulse system analyses relating to off-boresight angle estimation using short (1/2 micro sec)...
The Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) has been designed to be an evolutionary replacement oth the third generation Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). Although the ATCRBS returns processed by DABS will be identical to those currently being employed, the DABS processing system will not merely mimic the present...
Empirical characterization of IPC tracker performance using DABS data
The performance of a set of tracker algorithms proposed for use in the DABS-based Intermittent Positive Control (IPC) collision avoidance system is assessed. The position projecting tracker algorithms are subjected to actual surveillance data obtained at the Lincoln Laboratory DABS Experimental Facility. Effects of turn-rate, speed, wind and surveillance accuracy...
DABS sensor interactions with ATC facilities
This document presents, on a functional level, the interactions that occur between a DABS sensor and an ATC facility (terminal or enroute) in order to make full use of the capabilities provided by the addition of DABS sensors to the ATC system. There are three functions of the interactions: (1)...
Beacon CAS (BCAS) an integrated air/ground collision avoidance system
BCAS is a DABS-based airborne collision avoidance system that exploits the feature of DABS discrete addressing and integral data link. This provides for a CAS with the unique capabilities of (1) cooperative threat resolution between BCAS and conflicting aircraft through the transmission of maneuver intent (to DABS-only aircraft) and tie...
DABS modulation and coding design - a summary
The Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) has been designed as an evolutionary replacement for the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). As with ATCRBS, DABS is a cooperative Air Traffic Surveillance System utilizing ground based sensors (interrogators) and airborne transponders. In addition to its surveillance function, DABS integrally accommodates...
Summary of DABS antenna studies
A DBS antenna is characterized by the simultaneous availability of three beams: 1. A sum beam through which all data is transferred. 2. A monopulse difference beam used for target direction finding. 3. A control beam. Its function is to guarantee that all transactions occur in the main beam. Whereas...
Design validation of the network management function
This document presents the results of a major design validation effort of the Network Management function described in the DABS Engineering Requirements document. The design validation is based on simulation of a DABS network of three sensors interacting with airborne traffic of approximately 800 aircraft
Discrete address beacon system (DABS) test plan for FY 1976
The major objectives of the continued DABS testing by Lincoln Laboratory are: (1) design validation and refinement, (2) performance assessment, and (3) the development of a data base of environmental characteristics. This document describes that portion of the test activities that will take place during FY 1976. Also included is...
DABS downlink coding
This report summarizes the encoding/decoding techniques incorporated into the DABS-downlink design. It has been determined that the binary cyclic code used for the uplink is applicable to the downlink interference environment, thus rendering considerable hardware simplification in the transponder. The downlink environment leads to a characterization as a burst erasure...