The effects of compression-induced distortion of graphical weather images on pilot perception, acceptance, and performance
The Graphical Weather Service (GWS) is a data link application that will provide near-real-time graphical weather information to pilots in flight. To assess the effect GWS, as well as to aid in the proper design, implementation and certification of the use of GWS in aircraft, two human factors studies have...
The Weather-Huffman method of data compression of weather images
Providing an accurate picture of the weather conditions in the pilot's area of interest is a highly useful application for ground-to-air datalinks. The problem with using data links to transmit weather graphics is the large number of bits required to exactly specify the weather image. To make transmission of weather...
Beacon radar and TCAS reply rates: airborne measurements in the 1090 MHz band
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is in the process of developing Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) techniques. In one candidate system, GPS-Squitter, each aircraft periodically broadcasts messages, called "squitters," that report the aircraft's identification, position, and velocity. The position and velocity information may be obtained from the Global Positioning System...
The Terminal Weather Information for Pilots program
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently sponsoring programs such as the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) which will significantly improve the aviation weather information in the terminal area. Given the great increase in the quantity and quality of this information, it would...
Six-sector antenna for the GPS-squitter en-route ground station
Summary: A six-sector antenna for a pole-mounted GPS-Squitter en-route ground station was designed, built, and tested. The fan beam of each of the six sectors of the antenna covers a 60- degree azimuthal sector. Together, the six uniformly-spaced, contiguous 60-degree sectors cover the complete 360 degrees of azimuth at the...
Beacon radar and TCAS interrogation rates: airborne measurements in the 1030 MHz band
Airborne measurements were made of the rates of beacon-radar interrogations and suppressions in the 1030 MHz band. These measurements were undertaken in order to provide a basis for interference analysis of the proposed system of GPS-Squitter. The measurements were made during a flight along the East Coast, including New York...
ASR-9 processor augmentation card scan-scan correlator algorithms
This report documents the Scan-Scan correlator algorithms for the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) project. The 9-PAC is a processor card that serves as a processing enhancement to the existing ASR-9's post-processor system. It provides increased speed and memory capabilities to the processor, which allows for the introduction of more...
Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation of TCAS II logic version 6.04a, volume I
This report documents the Lincoln Laboratory evaluation of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) logic version 6.04a. TCAS II is an airborne collision avoidance system required since 30 December 1993 by the FAA on all air carrier aircraft with more than 30 passenger seats operating in...
Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation of TCAS II logic version 6.04a, appendices, volume II
This report documents the Lincoln Laboratory evaluation of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) logic version 6.04a. TCAS II is an airborne collision avoidance system required since 30 December 1993 by the FAA on all air carrier aircraft with more than 30 passenger seats operating in...
A human factors approach to the development and evaluation of the Graphical Weather Service
With the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration, MIT Lincoln Laboratory is developing the Graphical Weather Service (GWS), a data link application that provides near-real-time ground-based weather information to pilots. Through the use of GWS, the pilot will be able to access both graphical and text weather information for any...