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ADS-Mode S

Published in:
Proc. 38th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Convention, 24-28 October 1993, pp. 230-236.


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has defined a concept for communications, navigation, and surveillance for the next century known as the Future Air Navigation System (FANS). A cornerstone, of the FANS is an increasing reliance on satellite-based position-determining systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). In the case of, surveillance, aircraft position information is automatically downlinked to ground controllers. This technique is known as Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS). ADS-Mode S is an ADS system concept utilizing the frequencies and formats of the Mode S system for downlinking position information and also uplinking differential GPS (DGPS) corrections. The result is an integrated concept for surveillance that permits aircraft equipped with a Mode S transponder and a GPS receiver to participate in both ADS and beacon ground environments. This makes possible a smooth transition of the National Airspace System (NAS) secondary surveillance system from a beacon-based to an ADS-based environment. In addition, several other benefits from ADS-Mode S accrue to the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and to the Mode S Data Link system.


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has defined a concept for communications, navigation, and surveillance for the next century known as the Future Air Navigation System (FANS). A cornerstone, of the FANS is an increasing reliance on satellite-based position-determining systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). In the case...


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) storm cell information and weather impacted airspace detection algorithm

Published in:
Fifth Int. Conf. on Aviation Weather Systems, 2-6 August 1993, pp. 40-44.


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is an FAA-sponsored program (Sankey, 1993; Ducot, 1993) whose objective is to acquire data and products from a variety of weather sensors, integrate the data and create aviation weather products for users, such as Air Traffic (AT) controllers and traffic managers, pilots, and airline and airport operations managers. The goal of ITWS is to increase capacity at airports, reduce controller workload, and enhance safety. The objective of the ITWS Storm Cell Information (StoCel) and Weather Impacted Airspace (WIA) Detection products is to identify storm cell characteristics (echo top, echo bottom, presence of heavy rain, hail, etc.) and airspace that pilots are likely to avoid because it contains hazardous weather. The StoCel/WIA products rely on the integration of pencil-beam data and products and Air Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) Weather Channel data. ASR-9 radars are useful because they cover the entire airspace of interest, perform a volume update at roughly 30-second intervals, and will be the weather representation most widely available to the Air Traffic Control (ATC) community. On the other hand, the ASR-9 has a 4.8° fan beam which results in a vertical integration over the depth of a storm, so information on the vertical structure of storms is lost. In addition, the current ASR-9 Weather Channel may produce false weather regions during ducting or anomalous propagation (AP) conditions. Nearby WSR-88D radars also cover the entire airspace of interest and provide indications of storm vertical structure. However, the volume update rate is typically on the order of 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the scanning strategy. TDWR radars perform volume updates about every 2.5 to 3 minutes, but perform sector scans that do not cover the entire airspace. Integration of the data from these various sensors produces a product that is superior to a product based on any single sensor. Field tests of components of this algorithm were conducted at Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) and Orlando (MCO) International Airports during the summer of 1993. The objectives of these tests are to evaluate the technical performance of the algorithm and the validate the operational concept. This paper will describe the algorithm, and discuss the operational concept and functional requirements for the product. A summary of the results and experiences of the Summer 1993 field tests, and a preliminary evaluation of the performance of the algorithm based on off-line and real-time tests will be provided at the conference.


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is an FAA-sponsored program (Sankey, 1993; Ducot, 1993) whose objective is to acquire data and products from a variety of weather sensors, integrate the data and create aviation weather products for users, such as Air Traffic (AT) controllers and traffic managers, pilots, and airline...


Status of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar with deployment underway

Published in:
Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Aviation Weather Systems, 2-6 August 1993, pp. 32-34.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program in the mid-1980's in response to the need for improved real-time hazardous weather (especially low-altitude wind shear) surveillance in the terminal area (Turnbull, et al., 1989). The initial focus for the TDWR was to provide reliable, fully automated Doppler radar detection of microbursts and gust fronts and 20-minute warning of wind shifts which could effect runway usage. Subsequent operational demonstrations have shown that the overall terminal situational awareness provided by the TDWR color Geographical Situation Display (GSD) depiction of wind shear locations, weather reflectivity and storm motion also yields substantial improvements in terminal operations efficiency for air traffic managers and for airlines. In this paper, we will describe the current status and deployment strategy for the operational systems and recent results from the extensive testing of the radar system concept and of the weather information dissemination approach.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program in the mid-1980's in response to the need for improved real-time hazardous weather (especially low-altitude wind shear) surveillance in the terminal area (Turnbull, et al., 1989). The initial focus for the TDWR was to provide reliable, fully...


Effects of metering precision and terminal controllability on runway throughput

Published in:
Air Traffic Control Q., Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1993, pp. 277-297.


In order to efficiently use available runway capacity while avoiding undue congestion within terminal airspace, systems of flow control and en route metering have been implemented. Recent work in automation has attempted to extend traffic flow planning to provide precise scheduling of traffic flow within the terminal area itself (from the metering fixes to the runways). The goal of this more detailed terminal scheduling is more efficient runway utilization. This article addresses an important practical question regarding the degree of precision required from the en route portion of such systems in order to allow the terminal scheduler to achieve its throughput benefits. The answer to this question determines the sophistication and rigidity required of en route automation and addresses the question of whether the success of new terminal automation is contingent upon improvements in en route metering. The method of analysis is mathematical modeling and fast-time computer simulation. A crucial parameter is controllability, which expresses the largest flight delay that the terminal scheduling can impose within the airspace available to it. The analysis reveals that achievable run-way utilization depends upon the type of metering employed, the available controllability within the terminal, and the extent to which controllers can be expected to intervene to handle transient peaks in arrival rates that cannot be handled by the automation. The major conclusion of the study is that in order to fully utilize a runway, the standard deviation of the errors in arrival time at the metering fixes should be kept to about half the terminal controllability. For the airports studied, there seems to be sufficient controllability available to allow a terminal scheduler to operate the runways at essentially full capacity when a metering system, even with modest delivery precision, is operating in the en route area.


In order to efficiently use available runway capacity while avoiding undue congestion within terminal airspace, systems of flow control and en route metering have been implemented. Recent work in automation has attempted to extend traffic flow planning to provide precise scheduling of traffic flow within the terminal area itself (from...


Mode-S data link

Published in:
J. of ATC, June 1993, pp. 34-37.


Mode-S is an enhancement of the ATCRBS secondary surveillance radar (SSR) system which adds selective interrogation of individual aircraft, monopulse processing of the replies and a digital data link between the ground station and the aircraft. These features result in greatly improved surveillance accuracy, virtual elimination of synchronous garble of the replies from closely spaced aircraft, and provide a high capacity digital communication link for a wide variety of ground/air/ground messages.


Mode-S is an enhancement of the ATCRBS secondary surveillance radar (SSR) system which adds selective interrogation of individual aircraft, monopulse processing of the replies and a digital data link between the ground station and the aircraft. These features result in greatly improved surveillance accuracy, virtual elimination of synchronous garble of...


ATCRBS Reply Environment at Memphis International Airport

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-198


This report demonstrates, through data and analysis, how the airport environment can affect ATCRBS surveillance. The Lincoln Laboratory ATCRBS Monopulse Processing Subsystem was used to collect reply data at Memphis International Airport during March 1991. These data show a correlation between aircraft density, potential reflectors, and ATCRBS reply integrity. The number of replies has been shown to be directly related to multipath from reflecting surface, including taxiing aircraft. Additionally, it is shown that conditions can exist during which not all of the replies from ATCRBS equipped aircraft can be processed when forming target report measurements. Finally, it is shown that the bunching of replies in both time and space can introduce reply decoder overloading.


This report demonstrates, through data and analysis, how the airport environment can affect ATCRBS surveillance. The Lincoln Laboratory ATCRBS Monopulse Processing Subsystem was used to collect reply data at Memphis International Airport during March 1991. These data show a correlation between aircraft density, potential reflectors, and ATCRBS reply integrity. The...


Evaluation of the capacity and delay benefits of terminal air traffic control automation

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-192


This report reviews the benefits that the CTAS component of the FAA Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation program (TATCA) offers to aviation users. In particular, the report evaluates the prospects that exist for increasing arrival capacity during Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) by introducing CTAS functionality into current operations. The impact of anticipated capacity gains on air traffic delays is analyzed. Savings in delay are translated into dollar savings using FAA statistics on the fleet-weighted direct cost of delay to domestic air carriers. Also, the value of passenger time is considered. Economic impacts are estimated and reported on an annualized, nationwide basis. Adopting FAA projections of future traffic growth, estimates of delay and attendant cost savings to air carriers and their passengers are provided for fiscal years 1995-2015. Taking the nominal estimate of a 12% gain in IMC arrival capacity, a nationwide implementation of CTAS would be estimated to save an average of 412,000 hours of air carrier delay annually over this 21-year period, and 273 million gallons of fuel per year. With current fuel and labor costs, this amounts to average direct operating savings to air carriers of $1.5 billion per year, and value to passengers of over $3 billion per year, in constant 1988 dollars. There may be factors outside the scope of this study that restrict the implementation of CTAS to certain sites, or that limit the weather conditions in which CTAS is effective. Methods are discussed in the report for modifying benefits estimates in response to such considerations. However, since development and implementation costs of CTAS are estimated to be a small fraction of the benefits enumerated above, and since the delay savings recur annually, it is concluded that the development of STC automation software such as CTAS is economically justifiable.


This report reviews the benefits that the CTAS component of the FAA Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation program (TATCA) offers to aviation users. In particular, the report evaluates the prospects that exist for increasing arrival capacity during Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) by introducing CTAS functionality into current operations. The impact...


Two simulation studies of precision runway monitoring of independent approaches to closely spaced parallel runways

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-190


This report documents the findings of two simulation studies of air traffic controller reaction to the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is a new system for monitoring independent approaches, to closely spaced parallel runways. It consists of a radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than the current system. The PRM radar is accompanied by a high-resolution color display which provides automated visual and vocal warnings to alert controllers of impending and actual penetration of a 'No Transgression Zone' between parallel runways. The studies, were conducted in order to determine the effects of key variables on controller reaction time and to determine controller opinion on system acceptability. Study I examined the use of the PRM when the runway separation was both 3,400 ft and 4,300 ft. Study II examined the use of the PRM when the runway separation was 3,000 ft. Real-time simulated approach blunders were presented to controllers, and measurements of their reaction times were recorded and analyzed. Independent variables studied included sensor update interval, runway separation, deviation angle, deviation range, flight path condition, approach blunder type, and controller experience level. In addition, controller opinions of the PRM were surveyed. Findings regarding the effects of each of the variables are reported. Survey results of controller opinion are reported. Recommendations for enhancing the realism of the simulation and recommendations of issues for future study are discussed.


This report documents the findings of two simulation studies of air traffic controller reaction to the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is a new system for monitoring independent approaches, to closely spaced parallel runways. It consists of a radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than...


Results of simulation studies of precision runway monitoring of independent approaches to closely-spaced parallel runways

Published in:
J. ATC, January-March 1993, pp. 18-24.


Increased air travel in recent years has resulted in a steady increase in the number and duration of flight delays. In an attempt to increase airport capacity, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has supported the development of a Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is an advanced radar monitoring system designed to increase utilization of closely-spaced, multiple, parallel runways during adverse weather conditions. The PRM consists of radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than the current system, and a high resolution, color display that informs the Monitor Controller of the occurrence of hazardous flight path deviations by means of automated visual and vocal warning alerts. Studies of air traffic controller reaction to the PRM were conducted at Memphis Airport and Raleigh-Durham Airport in order to evaluate system effectiveness and to assess the effects of key variables on controller reaction time. This paper documents the results of the controller studies conducted at Memphis by MIT Lincoln Laboratory. The testing consisted of the presentation of real-time simulations, and measurement of air traffic controllers were surveyed regarding the acceptability of the PRM.


Increased air travel in recent years has resulted in a steady increase in the number and duration of flight delays. In an attempt to increase airport capacity, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has supported the development of a Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The...


A comparison of the performance of two gust front detection algorithms using a length-based scoring technique

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-185


The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Gust Front Algorithm provides, as products, estimates of the current locations of gust fronts, their future locations, the wind speed and sirection behind the gust fronts, and the wind shear hazard to landing or departing aircraft. These products are used by air traffic controllers and supervisors to warn pilots of potentially hazardous wind shears during take-off and landing and to plan runway reconfigurations. Until recently, an event-based scoring system was used to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. With the event-based scoring scheme, if any part of a gust front length was detected, a valid detection was declared. Unfortunately, this scheme gave no indication of how much of the gust front length was detected; nor could the probabilities be easily related to the probability of issuing a wind shear alert for a specific approach or departure path which was being impacted by a gust front. To make the scoring metric more nearly reflect the operational use of the product, a new length-based scoring scheme was devised. This scheme computes the length of the gust front detected by the algorithm. When computed over a large number of gust fronts, this length-based scoring scheme yields the probability that any part of the gust front will be detected. As improvements to the algorithm increase the length detected, the probability of detecting any part of a gust front increases. In particular, an improved algorithm means an increased probability of correctly issuing wind shear alerts for the runways impacted by a gust front, and length-based scoring is a more accurate technique for assessing this probability of detection. This paper describes the length-based scoring scheme and compares it with event-based scoring of the algorithm's gust front detection and forecast performance. The comparison of the scoring methods shows that recent enhancements to the gust front algorithm provide a substantial, positive impact on performance.


The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Gust Front Algorithm provides, as products, estimates of the current locations of gust fronts, their future locations, the wind speed and sirection behind the gust fronts, and the wind shear hazard to landing or departing aircraft. These products are used by air traffic controllers...