Compact external-cavity semiconductor mode-locked laser with quantum-well-intermixed modulator and saturable absorber
We demonstrate a slab-coupled optical waveguide external-cavity mode-locked laser having unique bandedges for the amplifier, modulator and saturable absorber elements. An average output power of 50mW and timing jitter of 254fs is achieved at 1.5-GHz.
SOI circuits powered by embedded solar cell
Solar cells embedded in the SOI substrate were successfully used as the sole energy source to power a ring oscillator fabricated using an ultra-low-power fully depleted SOI process on the same wafer. The speed of the ring oscillator increased with increasing light intensity and showed a fastest oscillation with a...
Noncontact optical detection of explosive particles via photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence
High-sensitivity (ng/cm2) optical detection of the explosive 2,4,6- trinitrotoluene (TNT) is demonstrated using photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence (PD-LIF). Detection occurs rapidly, within 6 laser pulses (~7 ns each) at a range of 15 cm. Dropcasting is used to create calibrated samples covering a wide range of TNT concentrations; and...
A photon-counting detector for exoplanet missions
This paper summarizes progress of a project to develop and advance the maturity of photon-counting detectors for NASA exoplanet missions. The project, funded by NASA ROSES TDEM program, uses a 256x256 pixel silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GM-APD) array, bump-bonded to a silicon readout circuit. Each pixel independently registers the arrival...
Silicon single photon imaging detectors
Single-photon imaging detectors promise the ultimate in sensitivity by eliminating read noise. These devices could provide extraordinary benefits for photon-starved applications, e.g., imaging exoplanets, fast wavefront sensing, and probing the human body through transluminescence. Recent implementations are often in the form of sparse arrays that have less-than-unity fill factor. For...
Coherent combining of a 4 kW, eight-element fiber amplifier array
Commercial 0:5kW Yb-doped fiber amplifiers have been characterized and found to be suitable for coherent beam combining. Eight such fiber amplifiers have been coherently combined in a tiled-aperture configuration with 78% combining efficiency and total output power of 4kW. The power-in-the-bucket vertical beam quality of the combined output is 1.25...
Packaged, high-power, narrow-linewidth slab-coupled optical waveguide external cavity laser (SCOWECL)
We report the demonstration of an InGaAlAs/InP quantum-well, high-power, low-noise packaged semiconductor external cavity laser (ECL) operating at 1550 nm. The laser comprises a double-pass, curved-channel slab-coupled optical waveguide amplifier (SCOWA) coupled to a narrow-bandwidth (2.5 GHz) fiber Bragg grating passive cavity using a lensedfiber. At a bias current of...
Cryogenic Yb3+ -doped materials for pulsed solid-state laser applications
We review recent progress in pulsed lasers using cryogenically-cooled Yb3+ -doped gain media, with an emphasis on high average power. Recent measurements of thermo-optic properties for various host material at both room and cryogenic temperature are presented, including themral conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion and refractive index. Host materials reviewed...
Noise spectroscopy through dynamical decoupling with a superconducting flux qubit
Quantum coherence in natural and artificial spin systems is fundamental to applications ranging from quantum information science to magnetic-resonance imaging and identification. Several multipulse control sequences targeting generalized noise models have been developed to extend coherence by dynamically decoupling a spin system from its noisy environment. In any particular implementation...
Angle-and polarization-dependent collective excitation of plasmonic nanoarrays for surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy
Our recent work has showed that diffractively coupled nanoplasmonic arrays for Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy can enhance the Amide I protein vibrational stretch by up to 105 times as compared to plain substrates. In this work we consider computationally the impact of a microscope objective illumination cone on array...