Improvement of SOI MOSFET RF performance by implant optimization
The characteristics of silicon on insulator MOSFETs are modified to enhance the RF performance by varying channel implants. Without adding new masks or fabrication steps to the standard CMOS process, this approach can be easily applied in standard foundry fabrication. The transconductance, output resistance, and breakdown voltage can be increased...
Hybridization process for back-illuminated silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays
We present a unique hybridization process that permits high-performance back-illuminated silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (GM-APDs) to be bonded to custom CMOS readout integrated circuits (ROICs) - a hybridization approach that enables independent optimization of the GM-APD arrays and the ROICs. The process includes oxide bonding of silicon GM-APD arrays to...
Noncontact detection of homemade explosive constituents via photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence
Noncontact detection of the homemade explosive constituents urea nitrate, nitromethane and ammonium nitrate is achieved using photodissociation followed by laser-induced fluorescence (PD-LIF). Our technique utilizes a single ultraviolet laser pulse (~7 ns) to vaporize and photodissociate the condensed-phase materials, and then to detect the resulting vibrationally-excited NO fragments via laser-induced...
FDSOI process technology for subthreshold-operation ultralow-power electronics
Ultralow-power electronics will expand the technological capability of handheld and wireless devices by dramatically improving battery life and portability. In addition to innovative low-power design techniques, a complementary process technology is required to enable the highest performance devices possible while maintaining extremely low power consumption. Transistors optimized for subthreshold operation...
Metastable superconducting qubit
We propose a superconducting qubit design, based on a tunable rf SQUID and nanowire kinetic inductors, which has a dramatically reduced transverse electromagnetic coupling to its environment, so that its excited state should be metastable. If electromagnetic interactions are in fact responsible for the current excited-state decay rates of superconducting...
30 to 50 ns liquid-crystal optical switches
The optical switching time of twisted-nematic liquid-crystal cells using the liquid crystals, 5CB (C,H,,-Ph-Ph-CN), 50CB(C,Hw O-Ph-Ph-CN) and PCH5 (C,H,,-Cy-Ph-CN) have been characterized as a function of temperature, prebias voltage and switching voltage, V. The transition time from 90 % to 10 % transmission scales as V-1.9 and is limited to...
Operation and optimization of silicon-diode-based optical modulators
An optical modulator in silicon based on a diode structure has been operated in both forward and reverse bias. This modulator achieves near state-of-the-art performance in both modes, thereby making this device idea for comparing the two modes of operation. In reverse bias, the device has a V[pi]L of 4.9...
Effects of ionizing radiation on digital single event transients in a 180-nm fully depleted SOI process
Effects of ionizing radiation on single event transients are reported for Fully Depleted SOI (FDSOI) technology using experiments and simulations. Logic circuits, i.e. CMOS inverter chains, were irradiated with cobalt-60 gamma radiation. When charge is induced in the n-channel FET with laser-probing techniques, laser-induced transients widen with increased total dose...
Measurement of trace explosive residues in a surrogate operational environment: implications for tactical use of chemical sensing in C-IED operations
A campaign to measure the amount of trace explosive residues in an operational military environment was conducted on May 27?31, 2007, at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA, USA. The objectives of this campaign were to develop the methods needed to collect and analyze samples from tactical military...
Three-dimensional integration technology for advanced focal planes
We have developed a three-dimensional (3D) circuit integration technology that exploits the advantages of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology to enable wafer-level stacking and micrometer-scale electrical interconnection of fully fabricated circuit wafers. This paper describes the 3D technology and discusses some of the advanced focal plane arrays that have been built using...