Analysis of ground surveillance assets to support Global Hawk airspace access at Beale Air Force Base
This study, performed from May 2006 to January 2007 by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, investigated the feasibility of providing ground-sensor-based traffic data directly to Global Hawk operators at Beale AFB. The system concept involves detecting and producing tracks for all cooperative (transponder-equipped) and non-cooperative aircraft from the surface to 18,000 ft...
Macroscopic workload model for estimating en route sector capacity
Under ideal weather conditions, each en route sector in an air traffic management (ATM) system has a certain maximum operational traffic density that its controller team can safely handle with nominal traffic flow. We call this the design capacity of the sector. Bad weather and altered flow often reduce sector...
Guidance material for Mode S-specific protocol application avionics
This ATC report presents guidance material for the use of "Ground-Initiated Comm. B" (GICB) register set contained in a Mode S transponder. The guidance material is intended to provide assistance for implementers of Mode S avionics installations. A common summary of the requirements and specifications for Mode S GICB transponder...
Air traffic management decision support during convective weather
Flight delays caused by thunderstorms are a significant and growing problem for airlines and the flying public. Thunderstorms disrupt the structured, preplanned flight routing and control process that is used to handle dense air traffic streams in congested airspace. Today's coping strategies are developed by traffic flow management (TFM) specialists...
Enhanced regional situational awareness
Airspace protection in the capital area is provided by an Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) created through the coordinated response of U.S. government and local law-enforcement agencies, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Capitol Police. The IADS includes U.S. Coast...
Improving air traffic management group decision-making during severe convective weather
There is an urgent need to enhance the efficiency of United States (U.S.) air traffic management (ATM) decision-making when convective weather occurs. Thunderstorm ATM decisions must be made under considerable time pressure with inadequate information (e.g., missing or ambiguous), high stakes, and poorly defined procedures. Often, multiple decisions are considered...
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) has had extraordinary success in reducing the risk of mid-air collisions. Now mandated on all large transport aircraft, TCAS has been in operation for more than a decade and has prevented several catastrophic accidents. TCAS is a unique decision support system in...
Technical assessment of the impact of decommissioning the TDWR on terminal weather services
Details of a technical study that was part of a larger investigation assessing terminal weather services impacts of decommissioning the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) are presented. Effects on two key areas for safety and delay-reduction benefits are examined: low-altitude wind shear visibility and the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)...
Surveillance improvement algorithms for Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X (ASDE-X) at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport
Operational testing of the Runway Status Lights (RWSL) system at the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) airport has detected a number of cases where faults in the ASDE-X/DFW surveillance data have led to erroneous operation of the status lights. Among the surveillance problems noted during testing at DFW were: (a) false tracks...
Analysis of operational alternatives to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)
Possible alternatives to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) are assessed. We consider both the low altitude wind shear detection service provided by TDWR and its role in reducing weather-related airport delays through its input to the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). Airborne predictive wind shear (PWS) radars do not...