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Optimized airborne collision avoidance in mixed equipage environments

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-408


Developing robust collision avoidance logic that reliably prevents collision without excessive alerting is challenging due to sensor error and uncertainty in the future paths of the aircraft. Over the past few years, research has focused on the use of a computational method known as dynamic programming for producing an optimized decision logic for airborne collision avoidance. This report focuses on recent research on coordination, interoperability, and multiple-threat encounters. The methodology presented in this report results in logic that is safer and performs better than legacy TCAS. Modeling and simulation indicate that the proposed methodology can bring significant benefit to the current airspace and can support the need for safe, non-disruptive collision protection as the airspace continues to evolve.


Developing robust collision avoidance logic that reliably prevents collision without excessive alerting is challenging due to sensor error and uncertainty in the future paths of the aircraft. Over the past few years, research has focused on the use of a computational method known as dynamic programming for producing an optimized...


Measurements of the 1030 and 1090 MHz environments at JFK International Airport


Measurements of signals in the 1030 and 1090 MHz frequency bands have been made by MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the last several years, previously in the Boston area and most recently in April 2011, at JFK International Airport near New York City. This JFK measurement activity was performed as a part of the Lincoln Laboratory Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and is the subject of this report. This report includes: 1) Overall characteristics of the 1030/1090 MHz environments, 2) Analysis of the TCAS air-to-air coordination process, 3) Examination of 1090 MHz Extended Squitter transmissions for use in TCAS, 4) Assessment of the extent and impact of TCAS operation on the airport surface.


Measurements of signals in the 1030 and 1090 MHz frequency bands have been made by MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the last several years, previously in the Boston area and most recently in April 2011, at JFK International Airport near New York City. This JFK measurement activity was performed as a...


Multifunction phased array radar (MPAR) spectral usage analysis


This report addressed two technical risks associated with replacing current air traffic and weather surveillance radars with a single type of multifunction phased array radar (MPAR). The first risk is whether radio spectrum usage would increase with the MPAR network and whether the allocated band will have enough spectral space. This question is addressed in two steps. First, single-radar spectrum usage is estimated based on certain assumptions regarding the radar design. Second, locations based on a previous radar placement study are used together with a terrain-dependent propagation model to compute the number of frequency channels needed at each site. We conclude that the overall spectrum usage is likely to increase with MPAR, but that the targeted window in S band will be able to accommodate the occupancy at all sites. The second risk is whether self-interference will limit the ability of the MPAR to operate asynchronously and adaptively on different antenna faces. This question is addressed by employing a simple bistatic ground clutter model to characterize the interference between adjacent faces. We conclude that some interference is unavoidable, but it would likely only occur during times when a transmit beam is at its maximum off-broadside angle (~2% of the time).


This report addressed two technical risks associated with replacing current air traffic and weather surveillance radars with a single type of multifunction phased array radar (MPAR). The first risk is whether radio spectrum usage would increase with the MPAR network and whether the allocated band will have enough spectral space...


A safety driven approach to the development of an airborne sense and avoid system

Published in:
AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conf. and Exhibit, 19-21 June 2012.


Sense and avoid is the primary technical barrier to increased unmanned aircraft system airspace access. A safety assessment driven approach to sense and avoid system design and requirements validation is being employed to ensure safety and operational suitability. The foundation of this approach is a fast-time modeling and simulation architecture originally used to support the certification of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. This paper describes the safety assessment methodology, including the architecture and evaluation metrics, and presents preliminary results for key system architecture and design tradeoffs.


Sense and avoid is the primary technical barrier to increased unmanned aircraft system airspace access. A safety assessment driven approach to sense and avoid system design and requirements validation is being employed to ensure safety and operational suitability. The foundation of this approach is a fast-time modeling and simulation architecture...


Next-generation airborne collision avoidance system

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012, pp. 17-33.


In response to a series of midair collisions involving commercial airliners, Lincoln Laboratory was directed by the Federal Aviation Administration in the 1970s to participate in the development of an onboard collision avoidance system. In its current manifestation, the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System is mandated worldwide on all large aircraft and has significantly improved the safety of air travel, but major changes to the airspace planned over the coming years will require substantial modification to the system. Recently, Lincoln Laboratory has been pioneering the development of a new approach to collision avoidance systems that completely rethinks how such systems are engineered, allowing the system to provide a higher degree of safety without interfering with normal, safe operations.


In response to a series of midair collisions involving commercial airliners, Lincoln Laboratory was directed by the Federal Aviation Administration in the 1970s to participate in the development of an onboard collision avoidance system. In its current manifestation, the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System is mandated worldwide on all...


Hazard alerting based on probabilistic models

Published in:
J. Guidance, Control, Dynamics, Vol. 35, No. 2, March-April 2012, pp. 442-450.


Hazard alerting systems alert operators to potential future undesirable events so that action may be taken to mitigate risk. One way to develop a hazard alerting system based on probabilistic models is by using a threshold-based approach, where the probability of the undesirable event without mitigation is compared against a threshold. Another way to develop such a system is to model the system as a Markov decision process and solve for the hazard experiments reveal that an expected utility approach performs better than threshold-based approaches when the dynamic stochasticity is high, where accounting for delays or changes in the alert becomes more important. however, for certain system parameters and operating environments, a threshold-based approach may provide comparable performance.


Hazard alerting systems alert operators to potential future undesirable events so that action may be taken to mitigate risk. One way to develop a hazard alerting system based on probabilistic models is by using a threshold-based approach, where the probability of the undesirable event without mitigation is compared against a...


A new approach for designing safer collision avoidance systems

Published in:
Air Traffic Control Q., Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 27-45.


The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System significantly reduces the risk of mid-air collision and is mandated worldwide on transport aircraft. Engineering the avoidance logic was costly and spanned decades. The development followed an iterative process where the logic was specified using pseudocode, evaluated in simulation, and revised based on performance against a set of metrics. Modifying the logic is difficult because the pseudocode contains many heuristic rules that interact in complex ways. With the introduction of next-generation air traffic control procedures and surveillance systems, the logic will require significant revision to prevent unnecessary alerts. Recent work has explored an approach for designing collision avoidance systems that will shorten the development cycle, improve maintainability, and enhance safety with fewer false alerts. The approach involves computationally deriving optimized logic from encounter models and performance metrics. This paper outlines the approach and discusses the anticipated impact on development, safety, and operation.


The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System significantly reduces the risk of mid-air collision and is mandated worldwide on transport aircraft. Engineering the avoidance logic was costly and spanned decades. The development followed an iterative process where the logic was specified using pseudocode, evaluated in simulation, and revised based on...


Lincoln Laboratory 1030/1090 MHz monitoring, March-June 2010


Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) behavior in New England airspace is being monitored and analyzed, making use of an omni-directional 1030/1090 MHz receiver. The receiver system, located in Lexington, Massachusetts, and operated by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, is used to record data for subsequent analysis in non-real-time. This is the second report of MIT Lincoln Laboratory 1030/1090 MHz monitoring, covering the period March through June 2010. There are three main areas of study: 1. 1030 MHz data related to TCAS air-to-air coordination and other communications, 2. 1030 and 1090 MHz data related to TCAS surveillance, and 3. 1090 MHZ Extended Squitter data, i.e., the Mode S implementation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). In addition to a summary of results, this report answers specific questions raised during the previous 2009 analysis and attempts to provide insights into the meaning of the data with respect to TCAS operation. This four-month period will be used to baseline 1030/1090 MHz activity in the New England area. Future plans call for the 1030/1090 MHz receiver to be moved so that limited data recording can be performed at various TCAS RA monitoring system (TRAMS) sites throughout the NAS.


Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) behavior in New England airspace is being monitored and analyzed, making use of an omni-directional 1030/1090 MHz receiver. The receiver system, located in Lexington, Massachusetts, and operated by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, is used to record data for subsequent analysis in non-real-time. This is...


Decomposition methods for optimized collision avoidance with multiple threats

Published in:
DASC 2011, 30th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 16-20 October 2011, pp. 1D2.


Aircraft collision avoidance systems assist in the resolution of collision threats from nearby aircraft by issuing avoidance maneuvers to pilots. Encounters where multiple aircraft pose a threat, though rare, can be difficult to resolve because a maneuver that might resolve a conflict with one aircraft might induce conflicts with others. Recent efforts to develop robust collision avoidance systems for single-threat encounters have involved modeling the problem as a Markov decision process and applying dynamic programming to solve for the optimal avoidance strategy. Because this methodology does not scale well to multiple threats, this paper evaluates a variety of decomposition methods that leverage the optimal avoidance strategy for single-threat encounters.


Aircraft collision avoidance systems assist in the resolution of collision threats from nearby aircraft by issuing avoidance maneuvers to pilots. Encounters where multiple aircraft pose a threat, though rare, can be difficult to resolve because a maneuver that might resolve a conflict with one aircraft might induce conflicts with others...


Collision avoidance for general aviation

Published in:
30th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conf., 16-20 October 2011.


The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is mandated on all large transport aircraft to reduce mid-air collision risk. Since its introduction, no mid-air collisions between TCAS-equipped aircraft have occurred in the United States. However, General Aviation (GA) aircraft are generally not equipped with TCAS and experience collisions several times per year. There is interest in low-cost collision avoidance systems for GA aircraft to reduce collision risk with other GA aircraft as well as with TCAS-equipped aircraft. Since TCAS was designed for large aircraft that can achieve greater vertical rates, the assumptions made by the system and the associated advisories are not always appropriate for GA aircraft. Modifying the TCAS logic to accommodate GA aircraft is far from straightforward. Even minor changes to TCAS to correct operational issues are difficult to implement due to the interaction of the complex rules defining the logic. Recent work has explored an alternative to the TCAS logic based on optimization with respect to a probabilistic model of aircraft behavior. The model encodes performance constraints of GA aircraft, and a computational technique called dynamic programming allows the optimal collision avoidance strategy to be computed efficiently. Prior work has focused on systems that meet the performance assumptions of the existing TCAS logic. However, these assumptions are not always appropriate for GA aircraft. This paper will present simulation results comparing the existing logic to logic that has been optimized to operate onboard GA aircraft. If both aircraft are equipped with collision avoidance logic, it is important that the advisories be coordinated to prevent both aircraft from climbing or descending. The TCAS logic has a built-in coordination mechanism with which a GA system must maintain compatibility. Several coordination strategies, both with the optimized logic and the current logic, are evaluated in simulation.


The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is mandated on all large transport aircraft to reduce mid-air collision risk. Since its introduction, no mid-air collisions between TCAS-equipped aircraft have occurred in the United States. However, General Aviation (GA) aircraft are generally not equipped with TCAS and experience collisions several...