The design and implementation of the new center/TRACON automation system (CTAS) weather distribution system
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is developing a suite of decision support tools, called the Center/TRACON Automation System (CTAS). CTAS tools such as the Traffic Management Advisor (TMA) and Final Approach Spacing Tool (FAST) are designed to increase the efficiency of...
Weather impacted routes for the Final Approach Spacing Tool (FAST)
This paper addresses the issue of developing weather-impacted routes for the Final Approach Spacing Tool (FAST). FAST relies on adaptation data that includes nominal terminal area routes and degrees of freedom to generate optimum landing sequences and runway assignments. However, during adverse weather some adapted routes may become unavailable due...
Using surface surveillance to help reduce taxi delays
Taxi delay is the largest of all aviation movement delays. However, taxi-out delays have not received attention equal to that focused on airborne delays because taxi-out delays often result from downstream problems. Also, until recently, there was no practical means of tracking surface movements. New surface surveillance technology will revolutionize...
TCWF algorithm assessment - Memphis 2000
This report describes a formal Assessment of the Terminal Convective Weather Forecast (TCWF) algorithm, developed under the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program by MIT Lincoln Laboratory as part of the Convective Weather Product Development Team (PDT). TCWF is proposed as a Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) enhancement to the operational ITWS...
The radar Correlation and Interpolation (C&I) algorithms deployed in the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9PAC)
The Airport Surveillance Radar 9 (ASR-9) is a terminal radar that was deployed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) during the early 1990's at more than 130 of the busiest airports in the United States. The ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC), developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, is a processor board...
ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) phase II scan-scan correlator algorithms
This report documents the scan-scan correlator (tracker) algorithm developed for Phase II of the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) project. The improved correlation and tracking algorithms in 9-PAC Phase II decrease the incidence of false-alarm tracks and increase the detection of real aircraft. The tracker processing for 9-PAC Phase II...
Delay causality and reduction at the New York City airports using terminal weather information systems
Adverse weather accounts for the bulk of the aviation delays at the major New York City airports. In this report, we quantify: 1. Aviation delay reduction with an Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) that incorporates the 30-60 minute predictions of convective storms generated by the Terminal Convective Weather Forecast (TCWF)...
Positive charge in the stratiform cloud of a mesoscale convective system
A balloon sounding of electric field in the trailing stratiform cloud of a bow echo mesoscale convective system reveals only two substantial in-cloud positive charge regions. These charge regions are located at altitudes of 5.1-5.6 km and 6.4-6.8 km, above the level of 0 degree C at 4.2 km. The...
An assessment of the communications, navigation, surveillance (CNS) capabilities needed to support the future Air Traffic Management System
The purpose of this study was to assess the Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) capabilities needed to support future Air Traffic Management (ATM) functionality in the National Airspace System (NAS). The goal was to determine the most effective areas for research and technical development in the CNS field and to...
An operational concept for the Smart Landing Facility (SLF)
This paper describes an operational concept for the Smart Landing Facility (SLF). The SLF is proposed as a component of the Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) and is envisioned to utilize Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) technologies to support higher-volume air traffic operations in a wider variety...