Normalized analysis of interceptor missiles using the four-state optimal guidance system
Performance prediction of miss distance due to sensor measurement errors and random target manuevers for missiles using proportional navigation guidance has been analyzed using the adjoint technique; a normalization technique has been usedto reduce the solution of the set of differential equations describing the proportional navigationguidance problemto a set of...
A constrained joint optimization approach to dynamic sensor configuration
Through intelligent integration of sensing and processing functions, the sensing technology of the future is evolving towards networks of configurable sensors acting in concert. Realizing the potential of collaborative real-time configurable sensor systems presents a number of challenges including the need to address a number of challenges including the need...
Improving the high altitude performance of tail-controlled endoatmospheric missiles
It is demonstrated that at high altitude the performance of a tail-controlled aerodynamic missile can degrade because of the existence of low frequency right-half plane zeroes in the airframe transfer function when either proportional navigation or optimal guidance is used. A new guidance law that accounts for the airframe zeroes...
Time domain processing of frequency domain GPR signatures for buried land mine detection
This paper investigates the feasibility of detecting plastic antipersonnel land mines buried in lossy, dispersive, rough soils using a stepped-frequency ultra wideband (WB) ground-penetrating radar (GPR). Realistic land mine scenarios were modeled using a two-dimensional (2D) finite difference firequency domain (FDFD) technique. Assuming normal incidence plane wave excitation, the scattered...
Circuit-fed tile-approach configuration for millimeter-wave spatial power combining
In this paper, a circuit-fed spatially combined transmitter array is described for operation at 44 GHz. The array contains 256 elements where each element consists of a monolithic-microwave integrated-circuit amplifier and a circularly polarized microchip patch antenna. The array is constructed using 16-element tile-approach subarrays. Each subarray is a two...
Comparison of two flat reflector-type designs for dual-polarization, dual-band operation
The parabolic reflector remains an essential antenna for high-gain applications. This is a result of its desirable characteristics based on geometric optics. These include relative frequency independence for sufficiently large apertures and high aperture efficiency. However, the parabolic reflector occupies a large volume. This may be aesthetically unappealing on the...
Accurate modeling of dual dipole and slot elements used with photomixers for coherent terahertz output power
Accurate circuit models derived from electromagnetic simulations have been used to fabricate photomixer sources with optimized high-impedance antennas. Output powers on the order of 1 uW were measured for various designs spanning 0.6-2.7 THz. The improvement in output power ranged from 3 to 10 dB over more conventionally designed photomixers...
MEMS microswitches for reconfigurable microwave circuitry
The performance is reported for a new microelectromechanical structure (MEMS) cantilever microswitch. We report on both dc- and capacitively-contacted microswitches. The dc-contacted microswitches have contact resistance of less than 1 ohm, and the RF loss of the switch up to 40 GHz in the closed position is 0.1-0.2 dB. Capacitively-contacted...
Combining-efficiency X-band spatial power-combined array using a multilayered packaging architecture
The design of a high combining-efficiency spatial power-combined array is described in this paper. A multilayered stacked stripline architecture enables a compact stable design. An array incorporating antenna active impedance and proper amplifier matching is measured with a combining efficiency of 87%, radiating 6.8 W of an available 7.8 W...
MEMs microswitch arrays for reconfigurable distributed microwave components
A revolutionary device technology and circuit concept is introduced for a new class of reconfigurable microwave circuits and antennas. The underlying mechanism is a compact MEMs cantilever microswitch that is arrayed in two-dimensions. The switches have the ability to be individually actuated. By constructing distributed circuit components from an array...