Control jujutsu: on the weaknesses of fine-grained control flow integrity
Control flow integrity (CFI) has been proposed as an approach to defend against control-hijacking memory corruption attacks. CFI works by assigning tags to indirect branch targets statically and checking them at runtime. Coarse-grained enforcements of CFI that use a small number of tags to improve the performance overhead have been...
Timely rerandomization for mitigating memory disclosures
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) can increase the cost of exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities. One major weakness of ASLR is that it assumes the secrecy of memory addresses and is thus ineffective in the face of memory disclosure vulnerabilities. Even fine-grained variants of ASLR are shown to be ineffective against...
Very large graphs for information extraction (VLG) - detection and inference in the presence of uncertainty
In numerous application domains relevant to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, data of interest take the form of entities and the relationships between them, and these data are commonly represented as graphs. Under the Very Large Graphs for Information Extraction effort--a one year proof-of-concept study--MIT LL developed...
Sampling large graphs for anticipatory analytics
The characteristics of Big Data - often dubbed the 3V's for volume, velocity, and variety - will continue to outpace the ability of computational systems to process, store, and transmit meaningful results. Traditional techniques for dealing with large datasets often include the purchase of larger systems, greater human-in-the-loop involvement, or...
Secure architecture for embedded systems
Devices connected to the internet are increasingly the targets of deliberate and sophisticated attacks. Embedded system engineers tend to focus on well-defined functional capabilities rather than "obscure" security and resilience. However, "after-the-fact" system hardening could be prohibitively expensive or even impossible. The co-design of security and resilience with functionality has...
Improving big data visual analytics with interactive virtual reality
For decades, the growth and volume of digital data collection has made it challenging to digest large volumes of information and extract underlying structure. Coined 'Big Data', massive amounts of information has quite often been gathered inconsistently (e.g from many sources, of various forms, at different rates, etc.). These factors...
Enabling on-demand database computing with MIT SuperCloud database management system
The MIT SuperCloud database management system allows for rapid creation and flexible execution of a variety of the latest scientific databases, including Apache Accumulo and SciDB. It is designed to permit these databases to run on a High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) platform as seamlessly as any other HPCC job...
Big data strategies for data center infrastructure management using a 3D gaming platform
High Performance Computing (HPC) is intrinsically linked to effective Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM). Cloud services and HPC have become key components in Department of Defense and corporate Information Technology competitive strategies in the global and commercial spaces. As a result, the reliance on consistent, reliable Data Center space is...
Portable Map-Reduce utility for MIT SuperCloud environment
The MIT Map-Reduce utility has been developed and deployed on the MIT SuperCloud to support scientists and engineers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. With the MIT Map-Reduce utility, users can deploy their applications quickly onto the MIT SuperCloud infrastructure. The MIT Map-Reduce utility can work with any applications without the need...
Parallel vectorized algebraic AES in MATLAB for rapid prototyping of encrypted sensor processing algorithms and database analytics
The increasing use of networked sensor systems and networked databases has led to an increased interest in incorporating encryption directly into sensor algorithms and database analytics. MATLAB is the dominant tool for rapid prototyping of sensor algorithms and has extensive database analytics capabilities. The advent of high level and high...