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Wind prediction to support reduced wake separation standards for closely spaced parallel runway departures
Wake vortices are a by-product of lift generated by aircraft. The vortices from the wings and other lift surfaces such as flaps spin off and trail behind an aircraft (see Figure 1). These vortices can be a hazard to other aircraft, especially lighter aircraft that are following at low altitude...
Designing a terminal area bird detection and monitoring system based on ASR-9 data
Conflicts between birds and commercial aircraft are a noteworthy problem at both large and small airports [Cleary, 1999]. The risk factor for United States airports continues to increase due to the steady rise in take-off/landings and bird populations. There is a significant bird strike problem in the terminal area as...
Rotating a weather map
Introduction: I was recently part of a project developing a system for aircraft pilots to access the national ground weather-radar database while in flight. This weather-radar graphical database is generated from the outputs of the FAA and National Weather Service network of radars covering the continental United States and is...
A comprehensive system for measuring wake vortex behavior and related atmospheric conditions at Memphis, Tennessee
Models of vortex behavior as a function of atmospheric conditions are being developed in an attempt to improve safety and minimize unnecessary airport capacity restrictions due to wake vortices. Direct measurements of vortices and the relevant meteorological conditions in an operational setting, which would serve to improve the understanding of...
1995 wake vortex program at Memphis, TN
This paper describes wake vortex field measurements conducted during August, 1995 at Memphis, TN. The objective of this effort was to record wake vortex behavior for varying atmospheric conditions and aircraft types. Wake vortex behavior was observed using a mobile CW coherent lidar. This lidar features a number of improvements...
MDCRS: aircraft observations collection and uses
The Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System (MDCRS) was designed for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) to collect, decode, store and disseminate aircraft meteorological observations. The system, targeted primarily at improving upper air wind forecasts, was fielded in 1991.
Multisensor surveillance for improved aircraft tracking
Cross-range measurements of aircraft travelling at distances of 50 to 200 miles include significant errors. Therefore, heading estimates for medium-to-long-range aircraft are not sufficiently accurate to be useful in conflict-detection predictions. Accurate crossrange measurements can be made-by using two or more sensors to measure aircraft position-but such measurements must compensate...
MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3 Final Report, Volume III: Application of Models to MLS Assessment Issues, Part 1
This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...
MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3, Volume I: Overview and Propagation Model Validation/Refinement Studies
This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...
Airborne measurements of ATCRBS fruit
Airborne measurements of ATCRBS fruit (asynchronous replies from ATCRBS transponders) are described. These measurements were undertaken to provide a more firm basis for assessing the interference impact of ATCRBS fruit on airborne 1090 MHz receivers (as in BCAS). Fruit rate measurements were performed with an instrumented aircraft flying along the...