GPS-squitter automatic dependent surveillance broadcast: flight testing in the Gulf of Mexico
During November - December 1994, MIT Lincoln Laboratory conducted a field evaluation of the air surveillance capabilities of GPS-Squitter in the Gulf of Mexico. Three squitter ground stations were located in the vincinity of Morgan City, Louisiana, for this evaluation: two were located on offshore oil platforms, and the third...
TCAS: maneuvering aircraft in the horizontal plane
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II) is now operating in all commercial airline aircraft to reduce the risk of midair collisions. TCAS II determines the relative positions of nearby aircraft, called intruders, by interrogating their transponders and receiving their replies. An intruder deemed a potential threat will...
GPS antenna multipath rejection performance
A GPS antenna multipath rejection performance evaluation was conducted at Lincoln Laboratory. Ground reference station antennas and aviation patches were tested for their ability to reject a muitipath signal. Different types of ground plane structures were used such as choke rings, ground planes, and mock sections of fuselage. Frequencies transmitted...
Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast via GPS-squitter: a major upgrade to the National Airspace System
GPS-Squitter is a technology for Surveillance of aircraft via broadcast of their GPS-determined positions to all listeners, using the Mode S data link. It can be used to provide traffic displays, on the ground for controllers and in the cockpit for pilots, and will enhance TCAS performance. It is compatible...
TCAS III bearing error evaluation
TCAS III seeks to enhance TCAS II by providing resolution advisory (RA) capability in the horizontal plane. Additionally, elimination of nuisance RAs through the use of miss distance filtering (MDF) are sought to make TCAS more compatible within the airspace. Both functions (horizontal RAs and MDF) are enabled with accurate...
GPS-squitter interference analysis
GPS-Squitter is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permits...
GPS-squitter channel access analysis
GPS-Squitter is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permits equipped aircraft to participate in ADS and/or beacon ground environments, offering many possibilities for transition from...
The enhanced Airborne Measurement Facility recording system
The Airborne Measurement Facility (AMF) is a data collection system that receives and records pulse and other information on the 1030/1090-MHz frequencies used by the FAA's secondary surveillance radar and collision avoidance systems. These systems include the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS), the Mode Select (Mode S) Beacon...
Safety analysis of the Traffic Information Service
Traffic Information Service (TIS) is a Mode S data link application being developed for use by general aviation (GA) pilots. Its purpose is to provide a low-cost means of assisting the pilot in visual acquisition of nearby aircraft. The service provides two functions: traffic alerting and threat assessment. These functions...
Obtaining low sidelobes using non-linear FM pulse compression
Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) manufacturers are proposing the use of non-linear FM pulse compression in their all solid state radars. However there is concern that the use of pulse compression will limit the radar's performance. High range sidelobes can cause poor performance in both target and weather detection. The theory...