High efficiency coherent beam combining of semiconductor optical amplifiers
We demonstrate 40 W coherently combined output power in a single diffraction-limited beam from a one-dimensional 47-element array of angled-facet slab-coupled optical waveguide amplifiers at 1064 nm. The output from each emitter was collimated and overlapped onto a diffractive optical element combiner using a common transform lens. Phase locking was...
Switchable electrowetting of droplets on dual-scale structured surfaces
The authors report on the development of surfaces containing artificially fabricated structures of dual nanometer and micrometer surfaces that allow an aqueous droplet to be reversibly switched by electrowetting from a Cassie state with low adhesion to a Wenzel state with high adhesion. A variety of geometries were fabricated to...
Dynamic photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas detection
We present a method of photoacoustic spectroscopy in which a laser beam tuned to an absorption feature of a gas is swept through its plume at the speed of sound. The resulting coherent addition of acoustic waves leads to an amplification of the signal without the need for a resonant...
Reversible electrowetting on dual-scale-patterned corrugated microstructured surfaces
The ability to reversibly switch between a hydrophobic Cassie state and a hydrophilic Wenzel state is often not possible on textured surfaces because of energy barriers which result from the geometry of the microstructure. In this paper, we report on a simple microstructure geometry that allows an aqueous droplet to...
Quantum simulator of an open quantum system using superconducting qubits: exciton transport in photosynthetic complexes
Open quantum system approaches are widely used in the description of physical, chemical and biological systems. A famous example is electronic excitation transfer in the initial stage of photosynthesis, where harvested energy is transferred with remarkably high efficiency to a reaction center. This transport is affected by the motion of...
Super-homogenous saturation of microwave-photonic gain in optoeletronic oscillator systems
We show that the saturation characteristic of microwave-photonic gain is "superhomogeneous" such that the gain of a weaker tone saturates more rapidly than that of a stronger tone when both signals are transmitted over an intensity-modulated optical link. Using this gain model, we simulate the effect of nonlinear gain saturation...
High dynamic range suppressed-bias microwave photonic links using unamplified semiconductor laser source
Microwave photonic (MWP) links with a low noise figure and high dynamic range are required for antenna remoting, radio-over-fiber (RoF), and other advanced applications. MWP links have recently been demonstrated with noise figures approaching 3 dB, without any electrical preamplification, by using low-noise high-power laser sources in conjunction with efficient...
Amplifier-free slab-coupled optical waveguide optoelectronic oscillator systems
We demonstrate a free-running 3-GHz slab-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) with low phase-noise (88 dB down from carrier). The SCOW-OEO uses highpower low-noise SCOW components in a single-loop cavity employing 1.5- km delay. The noise properties of our SCOW external-cavity laser (SCOWECL) and SCOW photodiode (SCOWPD) are characterized...
Nanosatellites for Earth environmental monitoring: the MicroMAS project
The Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite (MicroMAS) is a 3U cubesat (34x10x10 cm, 4.5 kg) hosting a passive microwave spectrometer operating near the 118.75-GHz oxygen absorption line. The focus of the first MicroMAS mission (hereafter, MicroMAS-1) is to observe convective thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, and hurricanes from a near-equatorial orbit at approximately...
Loading of a surface-electrode ion trap from a remote, precooled source
We demonstrate loading of ions into a surface-electrode trap (SET) from a remote, laser-cooled source of neutral atoms. We first cool and load ~10^6 neutral 88Sr atoms into a magneto-optical trap from an oven that has no line of sight with the SET. The cold atoms are then pushed with...