Runway status light system demonstration at Logan Airport
The Runway Status Light System (RSLS), developed under the FAA's Airport Surface Traffic Automation (ASTA) program, is intended to help reduce the incidence of runway incursions and airport surface accidents. It will do so by providing a preventive, back-up system of automatically controlled lights on the airport surface that inform...
The ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC)
Since 1990, the Airport Surveillance Radar-9 (ASR-9) has been commissioned and installed at more than 60 of the largest airports in the United States, and future installations are planned at more than 60 additional airports. After the first several systems were put into daily operation, air traffic controllers began to...
Automated storm tracking for terminal air traffic control
Good estimates of storm motion are essential to improved air traffic control operations during times of inclement weather. Automating such a service is a challenge, however, because meteorological phenomena exist as complex distributed systems that exhibit motion across a wide spectrum of scales. Even when viewed from a fixed perspective...
The Integrated Terminal Weather System terminal winds product
The wind in the airspace around an airport impacts both airport safety and operational efficiency. Knowledge of the wind helps controllers and automation systems merge streams of traffic; it is also important for the prediction of storm growth and decay, burn-off of fog and lifting of low ceilings, and wake...
TCAS: maneuvering aircraft in the horizontal plane
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II) is now operating in all commercial airline aircraft to reduce the risk of midair collisions. TCAS II determines the relative positions of nearby aircraft, called intruders, by interrogating their transponders and receiving their replies. An intruder deemed a potential threat will...
GPS antenna multipath rejection performance
A GPS antenna multipath rejection performance evaluation was conducted at Lincoln Laboratory. Ground reference station antennas and aviation patches were tested for their ability to reject a muitipath signal. Different types of ground plane structures were used such as choke rings, ground planes, and mock sections of fuselage. Frequencies transmitted...
Development and performance of a CW coherent laser radar for detecting wake vortices
A CW-coherent laser radar using a 20-Watt CO2 laser has been constructed and deployed for the measurement of wake-vortext turbulence. This is part of a larger effort to understand the motion and decay of wake vortices as a function of the local atmospheric conditions. The construction and operation of the...
Controller-human interface design for the final approach spacing tool
The Federal Aviation Administration is developing a set of software tools, known as the Center-TRACON Automation System (CTAS) to assist air traffic controllers in their management and control tasks. CTAS originated at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center, where prototypes continue to evolve. In parallel, Massachusetts Institute...
Data processing techniques for airport surveillance radar weather sensing
Discusses data processing techniques that can provide high quality, automated weather information using the FAA's existing Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR-9). The cost of modifying the ASR-9 is significantly less than that for deployment of the dedicated terminal Doppler weather radar. These techniques have been implemented on a prototype ASR-9 weather...
Comparative analysis of ground-based wind shear detection radars
The UNISYS Corporation has developed a microburst prediction radar (MBPR) to provide detection and short-term predictions of the most hazardous form of low altitude wind shear in the vicinity of an airport. The MBPR is intended for deployment on- or near-airport so as to minimize range coverage (and associated radar...