Terminal Weather Information for Pilots (TWIP) Test Report for 1994 Memphis and Orlando Demonstrations
Demonstrations of delivering the Terminal Weather Information for Pilots (TWIP) products to air carrier pilots via the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) data link were carried out at Memphis and Orlando during the summer of 1994. Six airlines participated in the demonstrations at both airports. The Terminal Weather...
Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast via GPS-squitter: a major upgrade to the National Airspace System
GPS-Squitter is a technology for Surveillance of aircraft via broadcast of their GPS-determined positions to all listeners, using the Mode S data link. It can be used to provide traffic displays, on the ground for controllers and in the cockpit for pilots, and will enhance TCAS performance. It is compatible...
Initial evaluation of the Oregon State University Planetary Boundary Layer Column Model for ITWS applications
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is supporting the development of products important for air traffic control in the terminal area. Some ITWS is supporting the development of products important for air traffic control in the terminal area. Some ITWS products will allow air traffic managers...
TCAS III bearing error evaluation
TCAS III seeks to enhance TCAS II by providing resolution advisory (RA) capability in the horizontal plane. Additionally, elimination of nuisance RAs through the use of miss distance filtering (MDF) are sought to make TCAS more compatible within the airspace. Both functions (horizontal RAs and MDF) are enabled with accurate...
Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) demonstration and validation operational test and evaluation
During summer 1994, MIT Lincoln Laboratory conducted the Operational Test and Evaluation Demonstration and Validation (Dem Val) of the Federal Aviation Administration's Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). The purpose of the demonstration was to obtain user feedback on products and to prove that the ITWS products and concept were sufficiently...
GPS-squitter interference analysis
GPS-Squitter is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permits...
GPS-squitter channel access analysis
GPS-Squitter is a system concept that merges the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permits equipped aircraft to participate in ADS and/or beacon ground environments, offering many possibilities for transition from...
The enhanced Airborne Measurement Facility recording system
The Airborne Measurement Facility (AMF) is a data collection system that receives and records pulse and other information on the 1030/1090-MHz frequencies used by the FAA's secondary surveillance radar and collision avoidance systems. These systems include the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS), the Mode Select (Mode S) Beacon...
An advanced weather surveillance processor for airport surveillance radars
This paper describes an enhanced weather processor for the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) that will include Doppler wind estimation for the detection of low altitude wind shear, scan-to-scan tracking to provide estimates of the speed and direction of storm movement and suppression of spurious weather reports currently...
An algorithm to remove anomalous propagation clutter returns from ASR-9 weather channel data using pencil beam radar data
The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), currently under development by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), will produce a fully automated, integrated terminal weather information system to improve the safety, efficiency and capacity of terminal area aviation operations. The ITWS will acquire data from FAA and National Weather Service sensors as...