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FAA weather surveillance requirements in the context on NEXRAD

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-112


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Weather Service and Air Force Weather Service are currently engaged in a program to develop a next generation of weather radars (NEXRAD) capable of satisfying (to the greatest extent possible) the common weather information needs of these agencies. This report identifies the unique FAA weather radar surveillance requirements and examines the technical issues that arise in attempting to meet these requirements with the NEXRAD strawman radar sensors and siting. Current air traffic control (ATC) weather data usage and statistics of aviation weather hazards and system efficiency are used to prioritize products needed for ATC. The strawman NEXRAD capability is then reviewed in the context of the identified weather products and factors such as: (1) effects of front end noise and weather return statistics (2) resolution and low altitude coverage constraints (3) the clutter environment associated with various siting options, and (4) data quality required for real time automated display of hazardous weather regions to ATC controllers. It is concluded that significant problems will arise in attempting to simultaneously provide terminal and en route weather surveillance by a single radar as envisioned in the NEXRAD strawman. An analytical/experimental research and development program is described to resolve the identified technical uncertainties in the NEXRAD strawman design for FAA applications. The suggested research and development program includes an operationally oriented interactive data gathering program to evaluate weather products at an ARTCC and TRACON using existing pencil beam S-band radars (e.g., similar to that at MIT) to be followed by similar evaluations in other key geographical areas (e.g., the southeast) using a transportable testbed. Both radar systems would incorporate special features to minimize the likelihood of false targets (e.g., due to obscuration and/or clutter) as well as automated display and short term prediction of hazardous weather regions for use by ATC controllers.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Weather Service and Air Force Weather Service are currently engaged in a program to develop a next generation of weather radars (NEXRAD) capable of satisfying (to the greatest extent possible) the common weather information needs of these agencies. This report identifies the unique FAA...


Mode S Beacon System: Functional Description (Revision B)

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-42,B


This document provides a functional description of the Mode S Beacon System, a combined secondary surveillance radar (beacon) and ground-air-ground data link system capable of providing the aircraft surveillance and communications necessary to support ATC automation in future traffic environments. Mode S is capable of common-channel interoperation with the current ATC beacon system, and may be implemented at low user cost over an extended transition period. Mode S will provide the surveillance and commucation performance required by the ATC automation, the reliable communications needed to support data link services, and the capability of operating with a terminal or enroute, radar digitizer-equipped, ATC surveillance radar. The material contained in this document updates and expands the information presented in "DABS: A System Description", FAA-RD-74-189, November 1974 and "DABS: Functional Description," FAA-RD-80-41, April 1980.


This document provides a functional description of the Mode S Beacon System, a combined secondary surveillance radar (beacon) and ground-air-ground data link system capable of providing the aircraft surveillance and communications necessary to support ATC automation in future traffic environments. Mode S is capable of common-channel interoperation with the current...


TCAS I design guidelines

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-114


A description of the FAA airborne Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System known as TCAS I introduces the main topic of the report: results of an investigation of simple techniques suitable for the passive and active detection of nearby aircraft by TCAS I. This is followed by a review of the measurement facilities and data used to evaluate the detection techniques. Techniques for identifying passively detected returns from potentially threatening aircraft, i.e., the rejection or "filtering out" of non-threat aircraft, are described and evaluated. Alternatives for time-sharing the 1090 MHz channel between the TCAS I transponder and the passive detector are described. A candidate passive detector is defined and its performance is evaluated using flight test data. Predictions of the performance of a low-power TCAS I based on active detection are made via link calculations and flight test measurements. A summary of results concludes the report.


A description of the FAA airborne Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System known as TCAS I introduces the main topic of the report: results of an investigation of simple techniques suitable for the passive and active detection of nearby aircraft by TCAS I. This is followed by a review of...


The AMPS computer system: design and operation

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-110


The Lincoln Laboratory Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Monopulse Processing System (AMPS) is a mobile, stand-alone, ATCRBS surveillance sensor for processing and disseminating target reports from transponder-equipped aircraft. AMPS is essentially the ATCRBS portion of the Mode Select Beacon System (Mode S), a system designed to be an evolutionary replacement for the present third generation ATCRBS. AMPS utilizes several new features introduced by the Mode S sensor concept. In particular, the use of monopulse angle estimation permits more accurate aircraft azimuth estimation with fewer replies per scan, and improved decoding (identification) performance when garble is present. This report provides a description of the details and philosophy of the AMPS computer system implementation and operation. In particular, specific and detailed descriptions of the interrelations between AMPS's several subsystems and subtasks are provided as well as a guide on how to run them.


The Lincoln Laboratory Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Monopulse Processing System (AMPS) is a mobile, stand-alone, ATCRBS surveillance sensor for processing and disseminating target reports from transponder-equipped aircraft. AMPS is essentially the ATCRBS portion of the Mode Select Beacon System (Mode S), a system designed to be an...


L-Band DME multipath environment in the microwave landing system (MLS) approach and landing region

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-116


The multipath environment in the approach and landing region represents an important factor in the optimization and ultimate performance of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P). Various types of multipath are assessed in the context of the proposed DME/P implementation error characteristics to ascertain the principal challenges. It is shown (analytically and experimentally) that specular reflections from buildings represent a significant challenge, particularly at low altitudes (e.g., category II decision height and below) where terrain lobing can cause the effective multipath levels to exceed the effective direct signal level. However, the time delay discrimination capabilities of the proposed DME/P should effectively eliminate the bulk of such multipath. Limited S-band (3 GHz) measurements of diffuse reflections from nominally flat terrain indicated very low levels. However, specular reflections from bare, hilly terrain may present problems in some cases.


The multipath environment in the approach and landing region represents an important factor in the optimization and ultimate performance of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P). Various types of multipath are assessed in the context of the proposed DME/P implementation error characteristics to ascertain the principal...


En route weather data extraction from ATC radar systems

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-113


This report describes the results of phase I of the En Route Radar Weather Program. The objective of this effort was to develop techniques for generating accurate en route weather reflectivity estimates in the presence of ground clutter. A candidate weather data extraction processor is proposed for use with either the ASR-MTD or ARSR-MTD radar systems. Principal features of the candidate processor include: (1) an antenna port (to permit use of an appropriate polarization), front end (with R^-2 STC) and quadrature video sampling subsystem which are separate from that used for aircraft surveillance. (2) use of a ground clutter map to select the form of clutter rejection to be used in each individual range-azimuth cell to estimate various weather reflectivity levels, and (3) spatial /temporal smoothing of the cell reflectivity estimates. The key elements of the suggested signal processing techniques were evaluated using data from MTD tests in Bedford, VA, Burlington, VT, and Atlantic City, NJ; however, the full system has not as yet received design validation/refinement and operational evaluation by ATC controllers. In particular, methods for identifying second trip weather echos should be addressed in the full system validation program.


This report describes the results of phase I of the En Route Radar Weather Program. The objective of this effort was to develop techniques for generating accurate en route weather reflectivity estimates in the presence of ground clutter. A candidate weather data extraction processor is proposed for use with either...


Air-to-air mode S surveillance algorithms

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-111


Lincoln Laboratory is assisting the Federal Aviation Administration in developing a beacon-based airborne collision avoidance system known as the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). The version of TCAS intended for air carrier use is called TCAS II. It provides traffic and resolution advisories and operates in the highest traffic densities predicted for the end of the century. TCAS II extends and replaces an earlier system known as BCAS (for Beacon Collision Avoidance System). Mode S surveillance algorithms form the basis for TCAS algorithms now under development at Lincoln Laboratory.


Lincoln Laboratory is assisting the Federal Aviation Administration in developing a beacon-based airborne collision avoidance system known as the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). The version of TCAS intended for air carrier use is called TCAS II. It provides traffic and resolution advisories and operates in the highest...


Moving Target Detector (Mod II) summary report

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-95


Under FAA sponsorship, MIT/Lincoln Laboratory has developed a second generation, field operable Moving Target Detection System (MTD-II) which has been tested at operational FAA terminal and enroute radar sites, and serves as the basis for the ASR-9 MTD technical performance specifications. This summary report covers the period October, 1976 through September, 1979 in which design, development, field testing and system performance evaluation were carried out. Report No. FAA-RD-76-190, ATC-69, "Description and Performance Evaluation of the Moving Target Detector" dated 8 March 1977, serves as the technical foundation of this work. MTD-processing design modifications were effected to handle conditions of excessive ground clutter and moving ground traffic. The rationale for the modified algorithms is provided, and measured performance characteristics at several FAA field sites are discussed.


Under FAA sponsorship, MIT/Lincoln Laboratory has developed a second generation, field operable Moving Target Detection System (MTD-II) which has been tested at operational FAA terminal and enroute radar sites, and serves as the basis for the ASR-9 MTD technical performance specifications. This summary report covers the period October, 1976 through...


ATCRBS uplink environment measurements near Jacksonville, Florida

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-94


Airborne measurements of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) 1030 MHz uplink environment are described. Measurements were made using the AMF, a special purpose airborne sensor-recorder, during a 23 May 1979 flight in the greater Jacksonville, Florida area. The 2-way flight covered the 450 nm coastline between Fayetteville (NC) and Vero Beach (FL) first at 10,000 then at 25,000 feet. Data recorded at 61 locations have been analyzed to plot combined pulse, interrogation and suppression rates for all locations and individual rates, received powers and angles for 37 locations. Fifty-nine ground interrogators were detected and a list included serves as an all-interrogator/all-location (59 x 37) visibility matrix. PRI/PRF distributions of interrogations received are shown at three selected measurement locations. A pulse-by-pulse plot of over 50 Mode 4 interrogations shows their effect on a typical transponder. A "worst" location is examined for peak instantaneous interrogation rates capable of causing transponder reply-rate limiting (RRL), desensitization and track loss. Durations and periods of recurrence of "synchronous jamming" for 23 near-equal scan periods are computed. Probabilities of multiple mainbeam coincidences ("multi-PRF jamming") are also calculated. Airborne (AMF) and ground based (FAA En-Route) coverages are compared, and reported operational problems (target splits, lost tracks, poor coverage) are addressed.


Airborne measurements of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) 1030 MHz uplink environment are described. Measurements were made using the AMF, a special purpose airborne sensor-recorder, during a 23 May 1979 flight in the greater Jacksonville, Florida area. The 2-way flight covered the 450 nm coastline between Fayetteville...


An improved technique for altitude tracking of aircraft

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-105


When simple linear recursive tracking techniques are applied to quantized altitude reports, certain errors in estimation of altitude and altitude rate can be attributed to the response of the tracker to transitions between quantization levels. These errors can be reduced by use of an estimation technique which explicitly recognizes the quantized nature of the inputs. Smoothing of the level occupancy time (i.e., the time spent at each quantization level) can be used to control the response to redundant samples taken at the same quantization level. Further improvement is achieved by consistency tests which use particular properties of quantized data to detect changes in rate. This document presents a theoretical analysis of tracker repsonse to quantized inputs. A tracking algorithm is synthesized using these techniques and simulation results using various altitude profiles are presented.


When simple linear recursive tracking techniques are applied to quantized altitude reports, certain errors in estimation of altitude and altitude rate can be attributed to the response of the tracker to transitions between quantization levels. These errors can be reduced by use of an estimation technique which explicitly recognizes the...