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FAA weather surveillance requirements in the context on NEXRAD
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Weather Service and Air Force Weather Service are currently engaged in a program to develop a next generation of weather radars (NEXRAD) capable of satisfying (to the greatest extent possible) the common weather information needs of these agencies. This report identifies the unique FAA...
Mode S Beacon System: Functional Description (Revision B)
This document provides a functional description of the Mode S Beacon System, a combined secondary surveillance radar (beacon) and ground-air-ground data link system capable of providing the aircraft surveillance and communications necessary to support ATC automation in future traffic environments. Mode S is capable of common-channel interoperation with the current...
TCAS I design guidelines
A description of the FAA airborne Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System known as TCAS I introduces the main topic of the report: results of an investigation of simple techniques suitable for the passive and active detection of nearby aircraft by TCAS I. This is followed by a review of...
The AMPS computer system: design and operation
The Lincoln Laboratory Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Monopulse Processing System (AMPS) is a mobile, stand-alone, ATCRBS surveillance sensor for processing and disseminating target reports from transponder-equipped aircraft. AMPS is essentially the ATCRBS portion of the Mode Select Beacon System (Mode S), a system designed to be an...
L-Band DME multipath environment in the microwave landing system (MLS) approach and landing region
The multipath environment in the approach and landing region represents an important factor in the optimization and ultimate performance of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P). Various types of multipath are assessed in the context of the proposed DME/P implementation error characteristics to ascertain the principal...
En route weather data extraction from ATC radar systems
This report describes the results of phase I of the En Route Radar Weather Program. The objective of this effort was to develop techniques for generating accurate en route weather reflectivity estimates in the presence of ground clutter. A candidate weather data extraction processor is proposed for use with either...
Air-to-air mode S surveillance algorithms
Lincoln Laboratory is assisting the Federal Aviation Administration in developing a beacon-based airborne collision avoidance system known as the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). The version of TCAS intended for air carrier use is called TCAS II. It provides traffic and resolution advisories and operates in the highest...
Moving Target Detector (Mod II) summary report
Under FAA sponsorship, MIT/Lincoln Laboratory has developed a second generation, field operable Moving Target Detection System (MTD-II) which has been tested at operational FAA terminal and enroute radar sites, and serves as the basis for the ASR-9 MTD technical performance specifications. This summary report covers the period October, 1976 through...
ATCRBS uplink environment measurements near Jacksonville, Florida
Airborne measurements of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) 1030 MHz uplink environment are described. Measurements were made using the AMF, a special purpose airborne sensor-recorder, during a 23 May 1979 flight in the greater Jacksonville, Florida area. The 2-way flight covered the 450 nm coastline between Fayetteville...
An improved technique for altitude tracking of aircraft
When simple linear recursive tracking techniques are applied to quantized altitude reports, certain errors in estimation of altitude and altitude rate can be attributed to the response of the tracker to transitions between quantization levels. These errors can be reduced by use of an estimation technique which explicitly recognizes the...