Development of an automated windshear detection system using doppler weather radar
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system to determine the location and severity of LAWS (low-altitude windshear) phenomena and other weather hazards (e.g. tornadoes and turbulence) and to provide the pertinent information to real-time air traffic control users. The FAA program for...
Storm models for end-to-end TDWR signal processing simulation tests
End-to-end qualification testing of teh Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) contractor signal processing system will be accomplished by a signal processing simulation test. Government furnished storm models will be used to provide inputs to the signal processor. The corresponding hazardous weather product results will be compared to hte results determined...
The FAA Terminal Doppler Weather (TDWR) Program
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program in the mid-1980s in response to overwhelming scientific evidence that low-altitude wind shear had caused a number of major air-carrier accidents. The program is designed to develop a reliable automated system for detecting low-altitude wind shear in...
Multipath modeling for simulating the performance of the Microwave Landing System
The Microwave Landing System (MLS) will be deployed throughout the world in the 1990s to provide precision guidance to aircraft for approach and landing at airports. At Lincoln Laboratory, we have developed a computer-based simulation that models the performance of MLS and takes into account the multipath effects of buildings...
Clutter suppression for low altitude wind shear detection by doppler weather radars
Low altitude wind shear (LAWS) has been recognized as a major cause of commercial airline aircraft accidents in the United States. The FAA is actively conducting the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program to detect and identify dangerous wind fields at and around airports using Doppler radar techniques. Clutter poses...
The Cooperative Huntsville Meteorological Experiment (COHMEX)
A unique meteorological field experiment (COHMEX) is scheduled to be conducted from March-July 1986 with a core period of operation in June and July. It is taking place in the region covering northern Alabama and the adjoining portion of central Tennessee. The experiment's uniqueness derives from the fact that it...
The FAA/MIT Lincoln Laboratory Doppler Weather Radar Program
Adverse weather is the leading cause of aircraft accidents in the United States. In order to improve hazardous weather detection and warning capability for aviation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is pursuing a two part Doppler weather radar program. The first part consists of a joint program with the National...
Ground clutter cancellation for the NEXRAD system
Returns from the ground and associated obstacles surroudning a NEXRAD weather radar (i.e., ground clutter) will contaminate the estimates of weather echo spectral features (e.g., reflectivity, mean velocity, and spectral width). The ground clutter returns are particularly large at low elevation angles and close range (e.g., within 40 km). Additionally...
FAA weather surveillance requirements in the context on NEXRAD
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Weather Service and Air Force Weather Service are currently engaged in a program to develop a next generation of weather radars (NEXRAD) capable of satisfying (to the greatest extent possible) the common weather information needs of these agencies. This report identifies the unique FAA...
L-Band DME multipath environment in the microwave landing system (MLS) approach and landing region
The multipath environment in the approach and landing region represents an important factor in the optimization and ultimate performance of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P). Various types of multipath are assessed in the context of the proposed DME/P implementation error characteristics to ascertain the principal...