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Automated microburst wind-shear prediction

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 399-426.


We have developed an algorithm that automatically and reliably predicts microburst wind shear. The algorithm, developed as part of the FAA Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), can provide warnings several minutes in advance of hazardous low-altitude wind-shear conditions. Our approach to the algorithm emphasizes fundamental principles of thunderstorm evolution and downdraft development and incorporates heuristic and statistical methods as needed for refinement. In the algorithm, machine-intelligent image processing and data-fusion techniques are applied to Doppler radar data to detect those regions of growing thunderstorms and intensifying downdrafts which lead to microbursts. The algorithm then uses measurements of the ambient temperature/humidity structure in the atmosphere to aid in predicting a microburst's peak outflow strength. The algorithm has been tested in real time as part of the ITWS operational test and evaluation at Memphis, Tennessee, and Orlando, Florida, in 1994.


We have developed an algorithm that automatically and reliably predicts microburst wind shear. The algorithm, developed as part of the FAA Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), can provide warnings several minutes in advance of hazardous low-altitude wind-shear conditions. Our approach to the algorithm emphasizes fundamental principles of thunderstorm evolution and...


Evaluation of runway-assignment and aircraft-sequencing algorithms in terminal area automation

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 215-238.


The Federal Aviation Administration has responded to the steady growth of air traffic and the ensuing increase in delays at airports by initiating new programs for increasing the efficiency of existing air traffic control facilities. The Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA) program is intended to increase efficiency by providing controllers with planning aids and advisories to help them in vectoring, sequencing, and spacing traffic arriving at busy airports. Two important algorithms in this system allocate arrivals to multiple runways and set up the best sequences for landing aircraft. This article evaluates the potential for such algorithms to achieve higher throughput with less delay. The results show that, at airports with multiple active runways, the introduction of algorithms for systematic allocation of runways increases throughput considerably. These algorithms are in fact more effective than algorithms that aim at generating optimal landing sequences based on aircraft weight-class inputs. This result is fortuitous because algorithms for optimal sequencing are significantly more difficult to implement in practice than are algorithms for runway allocation. This study also provides a scientific basis for estimating future benefits of terminal automation by using traffic models patterned on actual recorded traffic-flow data, and by proposing a unified method for assessing performance.


The Federal Aviation Administration has responded to the steady growth of air traffic and the ensuing increase in delays at airports by initiating new programs for increasing the efficiency of existing air traffic control facilities. The Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA) program is intended to increase efficiency by providing...


Performance of the runway-status light system at Logan Airport

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 187-214.


"Runway incursions are a persistent problem in airport ground-movement operations. Numerous critical conflicts and several fatal accidents have occurred as a result of unauthorized or otherwise inappropriate entry of aircraft or surface vehicles onto an active runway. Many of these conflicts developed quickly, leaving little time for effective intervention by either the controller or the pilots involved. A reliable system of automatic runway-status lights would be an effective way to prevent such time-critical incursions. The runway-status light system (RSLS) at Boston's Logan International Airport is an off-line proof-of-concept technology-demonstration system designed to show that automatically operated runway-status lights can promptly and reliably transmit runway-status information to pilots and surface-vehicle operators, thereby preventing unsafe runway entry or unsafe takeoff. The demonstration system does not include actual lights on the airport surface but has relied instead on an illuminated airport model board, which has allowed system development to proceed in a realistic operating environment of live airport traffic without interfering with airport operations. The results of an initial proof-of-concept assessment indicate that the system performs well, even though it is an early prototype. Missed-detection and false-alarm rates are low, and interference with normal airport operations promises to be negligible. The demonstration has shown the technical feasibility of a system of automatic runway-status lights.


"Runway incursions are a persistent problem in airport ground-movement operations. Numerous critical conflicts and several fatal accidents have occurred as a result of unauthorized or otherwise inappropriate entry of aircraft or surface vehicles onto an active runway. Many of these conflicts developed quickly, leaving little time for effective intervention by...


Supporting the deployment of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 379-398.


The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program was initiated in the mid-1 980s to develop a reliable automated Doppler-radar-based system for detecting weather hazards in the airport terminal area and for providing warnings that will help pilots avoid these hazards when landing and departing. This article describes refinements made to the TDWR system since 1988, based on subsequent Lincoln Laboratory testing in Kansas City, Missouri, and Orlando, Florida. During that time, Lincoln Laboratory developed new capabilities for the system such as the integration of warnings from TDWR and the Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS). Extensive testing with the Lincoln Laboratory TDWR testbed system has reconfirmed the safety benefits of TDWR.


The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program was initiated in the mid-1 980s to develop a reliable automated Doppler-radar-based system for detecting weather hazards in the airport terminal area and for providing warnings that will help pilots avoid these hazards when landing and departing. This article describes refinements made to...


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 449-474.


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is one of two major development projects sponsored by the FMs Aviation Weather Development Program. Focused on the environment within the airport terminal area, ITWS integrates data from FAA and National Weather Service (NWS) sensors and systems to provide a suite of weather informational products for improving air terminal planning, capacity, and safety. This article provides an overview of the ITWS project, presenting the system concept, some of the design and engineering challenges, and plans for development that will lead to operational systems in the field.


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is one of two major development projects sponsored by the FMs Aviation Weather Development Program. Focused on the environment within the airport terminal area, ITWS integrates data from FAA and National Weather Service (NWS) sensors and systems to provide a suite of weather informational...


Implementation of the 1992 Terminal Area-Local Analysis and Prediction System (T-LAPS)

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-219


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) development program was initiated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to produce a fully automated, integrated terminal weather information system to improve the safety, efficiency and capacity of terminal area aviation operations. The ITWS will acquire data from FAA and National Weather Service (NWS) sensors as well as from aircraft in flight in the terminal area. The ITWS will provide air traffic personnel with products that are immediately usable without further metorological interpretation. These products include current terminal area weather and short-term (0-30 minute) predictions of significant weather phenomena. The Terminal area-Local Analysis and Prediction System (T-LAPS) is being evaluated as a possible provider of the Terminal Winds Product for the ITWS. T-LAPS is a direct descendant of the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) developed at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraiton's (NOAA's) Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL). T-LAPS takes meteorological data from a wide variety of data sources as input and provides a gridded, three-dimensional (3-D) analysis of the state of the local atmosphere in the terminal area as output. For the 1992 system, the output was a gridded 3-D analysis of the horizontal winds. This information is intended to be used by the Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA) program to estimate the effects of winds on aircraft in the terminal area. The 1993 and 1994 T-LAPS systems will incorporate more sophisticated wind analysis algorithms. The T-LAPS '92 demonstration at the Lincoln Laboratory Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) FL-2CC field site in Kissimmee, Florida, during August and September was quite successful. The primary area of coverage was a 120 km by 120 km box centered on the Orlando International Airport. The T-LAPS system was able to utilize radar information from both the TDWR testbed and the operational NEXRAD/WSR-88D radar in Melbourne, Florida. This report documents the implementation of the T-LAPS system that was run during the 1992 summer demonstration and discusses the design and some implementation details of the system.


The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) development program was initiated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to produce a fully automated, integrated terminal weather information system to improve the safety, efficiency and capacity of terminal area aviation operations. The ITWS will acquire data from FAA and National Weather Service (NWS)...


ITWS and the NWS forecaster: what is the connection?

Published in:
Nat. Weather Dig., Vol. 18, No. 4, June 1994, pp. 43-47.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is sponsoring the development of the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), which is designed to acquire all of the weather data that is available in the terminal area, both ground-based and aircraft sensed, and to provide short-term (0 to 30-minute) predictions of microbursts, wind shear, gust fronts, runway winds and terminal-area ceiling and visibility. Additionally, the ITWS will be generating the 4-dimensional wind field at many levels in the terminal area, mainly for use by other FAA terminal air traffic control automation systems, but also available as a graphical display. An area of interest and concern to the developers is the interaction between the automated, very-short-term predictions of the ITWS, and the National Weather Service (NWS) aviation meteorologist, who is responsible for issuing terminal forecasts and other aviation advisory and warning products. This paper will describe the ITWS as currently planned and will explore the possible relationships between the ITWS and the NWS forecaster. Consideration will also be given to the NWS's new Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) and how ITWS information might be used in the terminal forecasting process. This paper is intended to spark discussion of the role of the ITWS in the NWS forecasting process of the future.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is sponsoring the development of the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), which is designed to acquire all of the weather data that is available in the terminal area, both ground-based and aircraft sensed, and to provide short-term (0 to 30-minute) predictions of microbursts, wind shear...


An automated method for low level wind shear alert system (LLWAS) data quality analysis

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-207


The Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) is an anemometer-based surface network used for detection of hazardous wind shear and acquisition of operational wind information in the airport terminal area. The quality of wind data provided by the LLWAS anemometers is important for the proper performance of the LLWAS wind shear detection algorithms. This report describes the development of an automated method for anemometer data quality (DQA). This method identifies potential data quality problems through comparison of wind data from each sensor within a network to the mean wind speed and direction of the entire network. The design approach and implementation are described, and results from testing using data from the demonstration Phase III LLWAS network in Orlando, FL are reported. Potential improvements to the automated DQA algorithm are presented based on experience gained during analysis of the Orlando data. These recommended improvements are provided to assist future development and refinement of the DQA methodology to be performed by the FAA Technical Center.


The Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) is an anemometer-based surface network used for detection of hazardous wind shear and acquisition of operational wind information in the airport terminal area. The quality of wind data provided by the LLWAS anemometers is important for the proper performance of the LLWAS wind...


Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Low Level Wind Shear Alert System 3 (LLWAS 3) integration studies at Orlando International Airport Airport in 1991 and 1992

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-216


In 1993 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began deploying two new wind shear detectionsystems: the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the third-generation Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS 3). Currently, nine airports are scheduled to receive both a TDWR and an LLWAS 3. This number may eventually increase to as high as 45. When co-located, the systems will be integrated to provide a single set of wind shear alerts and improve system performance. The TDWR production schedule required one of three integration algorithms to be chosen for specification by fall 1991. The three algorithms are the prototype integration algorithm developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and two algorithms developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT/LL). To assess the performance of the three algorithms, MIT/LL performed a study of the integration, TDWR, and LLWAS 3 algorithms at Orlando International Airport in the summer of 1992. We discuss results of the 1991 comparative study and a follow-up study of the TDWR, LLWAS 3, and Message Level integration algorithms at Orlando in 1992. All of the algorithms met the requirement of detecting 90 percent of microburst level wind shear with loss events. LLWAS 3, Build 5 TDWR, and the MIT/LL integration algorithms run with Build 5 TDWR, all met the requirement that less than 10 percent of wind shear alerts be false. The NCAR prototype did not utilize Build 5 TDWR. Build 4 TDWR and all integration algorithms run with Build 4 TDWR did not meet the false-alert requirement. Detailed descriptions of the algorithms are given. The methodology for estimating various algoirthm performance statistics based on a comparison with a dual-Doppler algorithm is detailed.


In 1993 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began deploying two new wind shear detectionsystems: the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the third-generation Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS 3). Currently, nine airports are scheduled to receive both a TDWR and an LLWAS 3. This number may eventually increase to...


Data requirements for ceiling and visibility products development

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-212


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is supporting the development of weather products important for air traffic control in the terminal area. These products will take advantage of new terminal area sensors, including Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR, Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD), and the Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System (MDCRS). Some of these ITWS products will allow air traffic managers to anticipate significant short-term changes in ceiling and visibility. This report focuses on the scientific data requirements for supporting prototype model-system development and diagnostics. Model diagnostics can include case studies to determine the most important physical processes that were responsible for a particular ceiling and visibility "event," providing the insight necessary for the development of effective ceiling and visibility product algorithms. In time such case study diagnostics could also include careful off-line "failure analyses" that may affect the disign of the operational system. General ceiling and visibility test beds are discussed. Updated reports will be released periodically as the ITWS ceiling and visibility project proceeds.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) is supporting the development of weather products important for air traffic control in the terminal area. These products will take advantage of new terminal area sensors, including Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR, Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD), and the Meteorological...