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Evaluation of the capacity and delay benefits of terminal air traffic control automation

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-192


This report reviews the benefits that the CTAS component of the FAA Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation program (TATCA) offers to aviation users. In particular, the report evaluates the prospects that exist for increasing arrival capacity during Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) by introducing CTAS functionality into current operations. The impact of anticipated capacity gains on air traffic delays is analyzed. Savings in delay are translated into dollar savings using FAA statistics on the fleet-weighted direct cost of delay to domestic air carriers. Also, the value of passenger time is considered. Economic impacts are estimated and reported on an annualized, nationwide basis. Adopting FAA projections of future traffic growth, estimates of delay and attendant cost savings to air carriers and their passengers are provided for fiscal years 1995-2015. Taking the nominal estimate of a 12% gain in IMC arrival capacity, a nationwide implementation of CTAS would be estimated to save an average of 412,000 hours of air carrier delay annually over this 21-year period, and 273 million gallons of fuel per year. With current fuel and labor costs, this amounts to average direct operating savings to air carriers of $1.5 billion per year, and value to passengers of over $3 billion per year, in constant 1988 dollars. There may be factors outside the scope of this study that restrict the implementation of CTAS to certain sites, or that limit the weather conditions in which CTAS is effective. Methods are discussed in the report for modifying benefits estimates in response to such considerations. However, since development and implementation costs of CTAS are estimated to be a small fraction of the benefits enumerated above, and since the delay savings recur annually, it is concluded that the development of STC automation software such as CTAS is economically justifiable.


This report reviews the benefits that the CTAS component of the FAA Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation program (TATCA) offers to aviation users. In particular, the report evaluates the prospects that exist for increasing arrival capacity during Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) by introducing CTAS functionality into current operations. The impact...


ADS-Mode S: Initial System Description

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-200


Dependent Surveillance and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permita equipped aircraft to participate in ADS or beacon ground environmenta. This offers many possibilities for transition from a beacon to an ADS based environment. The ADS-Mode S concept in baaed on use of the Mode S squitter. The Mode S squitter is a spontaneous, periodic (once per second) 56-bit Mode S broadcast containing the Mode S 24-bit address. This broadcast is provided by all Mode S transponders and in used by the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) to acquire Mode S equipped aircraft. For ADS-Mode S use, this squitter broadcast is extended to 112 bits to provide for the transmission of a 56-bit ABS message field. The ADS squitter is transmitted in addition to the current TCAS squitter in order to maintain compatibility with current TCAS equipment. This paper defines the ADS-Mode S concept, describes its principal surveillance and data link applications and provides estimates of expected performance.


Dependent Surveillance and the Mode S beacon radar. The result is an integrated concept for seamless surveillance and data link that permita equipped aircraft to participate in ADS or beacon ground environmenta. This offers many possibilities for transition from a beacon to an ADS based environment. The ADS-Mode S concept...


Contributions to the American Meteorological Society's 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-199


Eleven papers contributed by the Lincoln Laboratory Weather Sensing Group to the American Meteorological Society's 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, to be held May 24-28, 1993 in Norman, Oklahoma, are compiled in this volume. The work reported was sponsored by several FAA programs, including Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), Air Surveillance Radar-9 (ASR-9), Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), and Terminal Area Surveillance System (TASS). The papers are based on analyses completed over the past year at Lincoln Laboratory and in collaboration with staff at the National Severe Storms Laboratory, the University of Oklahoma, Raytheon Corporation, and the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City, NJ. The staff members of the Weather Sensing Group have documented their studies in four major areas: Operational Systems (TDWR Operational Test and Evaluation results); Radar Operations (future airport weather surveillance requirements, a "machine intelligent" gust front detection algorithm, microburst asymmetry study results, a shear-based microburst detection algorithm, and a hazard index for TDWR-detected microbursts); Signal Processing (coherent processing across multi-PRI waveforms, clutter filter design for multiple-PRT signals, and identification of anomalous propagation associated with thunderstorm outflows); and Analysis Methods (multiple-single Doppler wind analysis using NEXRAD data, and an adjoint method wind retrieval scheme).


Eleven papers contributed by the Lincoln Laboratory Weather Sensing Group to the American Meteorological Society's 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, to be held May 24-28, 1993 in Norman, Oklahoma, are compiled in this volume. The work reported was sponsored by several FAA programs, including Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)...


Two simulation studies of precision runway monitoring of independent approaches to closely spaced parallel runways

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-190


This report documents the findings of two simulation studies of air traffic controller reaction to the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is a new system for monitoring independent approaches, to closely spaced parallel runways. It consists of a radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than the current system. The PRM radar is accompanied by a high-resolution color display which provides automated visual and vocal warnings to alert controllers of impending and actual penetration of a 'No Transgression Zone' between parallel runways. The studies, were conducted in order to determine the effects of key variables on controller reaction time and to determine controller opinion on system acceptability. Study I examined the use of the PRM when the runway separation was both 3,400 ft and 4,300 ft. Study II examined the use of the PRM when the runway separation was 3,000 ft. Real-time simulated approach blunders were presented to controllers, and measurements of their reaction times were recorded and analyzed. Independent variables studied included sensor update interval, runway separation, deviation angle, deviation range, flight path condition, approach blunder type, and controller experience level. In addition, controller opinions of the PRM were surveyed. Findings regarding the effects of each of the variables are reported. Survey results of controller opinion are reported. Recommendations for enhancing the realism of the simulation and recommendations of issues for future study are discussed.


This report documents the findings of two simulation studies of air traffic controller reaction to the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is a new system for monitoring independent approaches, to closely spaced parallel runways. It consists of a radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than...


Machine intelligent gust front detection

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1993, pp. 187-212.


Techniques of low-level machine intelligence, originally developed at Lincoln Laboratory to recognize military ground vehicles obscured by camouflage and foliage, are being used to detect gust fronts in Doppler weather radar imagery. This Machine Intelligent Gust Front Algorithm (MIGFA) is part of a suite of hazardous-weather-detection functions being developed under contract with the Federal Aviation Administration. Initially developed for use with the latest generation Airport Surveillance Radar equipped with a wind shear processor (ASR-9 WSP), MIGFA was deployed for operational testing in Orlando, Florida, during the summer of 1992. MIGFA has demonstrated levels of detection performance that have not only markedly exceeded the capabilities of existing gust front algorithms, but are competitive with human interpreters.


Techniques of low-level machine intelligence, originally developed at Lincoln Laboratory to recognize military ground vehicles obscured by camouflage and foliage, are being used to detect gust fronts in Doppler weather radar imagery. This Machine Intelligent Gust Front Algorithm (MIGFA) is part of a suite of hazardous-weather-detection functions being developed under...


Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) of GPS and GLONASS

Published in:
Navig. J. Inst. Navig., Vol. 40, No. 1, Spring 1993, pp. 87-104.


A receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm is proposed, and used to analyze the integrity monitoring capabilities of potential sole-means (or stand-alone) systems based on integrated use of GPS and GLONASS, GPS supplemented with a geostationary overlay, and enhanced GPS constellations. As in the other RAIM algorithms, the idea is to take advantage of the redundant measurements. Our focus, however, is on the quality of the position estimate, rather than on diagnosing whether the system is working as intended. The proposed approach uses the redundant measurements to generate a position estimate and a measure of its quality. The latter, called integrity level, is defined as an upper bound on the position error. The estimation of the integrity level is the main innovation in the proposed scheme. The RAIM algorithm is tailored to an abundant redundancy of the measurements, and addresses the following issue: Given a snapshot of the pseudo range measurements, one of which may be in error, can we compute a position estimate that can be shown with high confidence to meet the user's accuracy requirement?


A receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm is proposed, and used to analyze the integrity monitoring capabilities of potential sole-means (or stand-alone) systems based on integrated use of GPS and GLONASS, GPS supplemented with a geostationary overlay, and enhanced GPS constellations. As in the other RAIM algorithms, the idea is...


Setting values for TDWR/LLWAS 3 integration parameters

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-195


In 1993 the FAA will begin deploying the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) at selected airports in the United States. Forty-five TDWRs will be collocated with LLWAS 3 systems, and the FAA has decided that all TDWRs collocated with LLWAS 3 systems must be integrated with LLWAS 3 prior to commissioning. The algorithm chosen to perform this integration must be supplied with a set of site-specific parameters. This report gives guidance on how to set the values of theme integration parameters.


In 1993 the FAA will begin deploying the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) at selected airports in the United States. Forty-five TDWRs will be collocated with LLWAS 3 systems, and the FAA has decided that all TDWRs collocated with LLWAS 3 systems must be integrated with LLWAS 3 prior to...


Impact of weather event uncertainty upon an optimum ground-holding strategy

Published in:
Air Traffic Control Q., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1993, pp. 59-84.


When weather events are expected to produce significant delays at destination airports, the traffic flow management system in the United States holds departing aircraft on the ground in an attempt to reduce delay costs to the operator and to alleviate airborne congestion. Selecting the correct amount of ground holding is made difficult because of uncertainty in predicting weather events that produce congestion. In general, decision-makers must strike a balance between the amount of predicted delay absorbed on the ground and the amount absorbed in the air. This paper first addresses the question of how uncertainty in the required delay should influence the amount of ground holding. It then establishes the relationship between delay uncertainty and uncertainties in predicting the onset and duration of weather events. Delay costs are minimized under an assumption that there is a fixed ratio between the cost of a unit of ground delay and a unit of airborne delay and that the landing sequence employed at the destination terminal is based upon the originally scheduled landing order. The analysis indicates that uncertainty in the delay prediction must be considered in selecting the optimum amount of ground holding for an individual flight. In predicting delays, it is desirable to keep the ratio of the standard error to the mean delay (σ / μ) well below 1.0 in order to avoid loss of benefits. A corresponding figure of merit for weather systems is shown to be the ratio of the uncertainty in onset/termination times to the duration of the weather event. Weather prediction systems must keep this ratio well below one-third to avoid significant loss of ground-holding benefits. The analysis indicates that reductions in the delay uncertainty through improved weather forecasting and traffic management systems can result in better decision-making and significant cost savings.


When weather events are expected to produce significant delays at destination airports, the traffic flow management system in the United States holds departing aircraft on the ground in an attempt to reduce delay costs to the operator and to alleviate airborne congestion. Selecting the correct amount of ground holding is...


Results of simulation studies of precision runway monitoring of independent approaches to closely-spaced parallel runways

Published in:
J. ATC, January-March 1993, pp. 18-24.


Increased air travel in recent years has resulted in a steady increase in the number and duration of flight delays. In an attempt to increase airport capacity, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has supported the development of a Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is an advanced radar monitoring system designed to increase utilization of closely-spaced, multiple, parallel runways during adverse weather conditions. The PRM consists of radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than the current system, and a high resolution, color display that informs the Monitor Controller of the occurrence of hazardous flight path deviations by means of automated visual and vocal warning alerts. Studies of air traffic controller reaction to the PRM were conducted at Memphis Airport and Raleigh-Durham Airport in order to evaluate system effectiveness and to assess the effects of key variables on controller reaction time. This paper documents the results of the controller studies conducted at Memphis by MIT Lincoln Laboratory. The testing consisted of the presentation of real-time simulations, and measurement of air traffic controllers were surveyed regarding the acceptability of the PRM.


Increased air travel in recent years has resulted in a steady increase in the number and duration of flight delays. In an attempt to increase airport capacity, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has supported the development of a Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The...


The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Moving Target Simulator (MTS) at Orlando, Florida

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-188


Monitoring the performance of Doppler weather radars presents special problems since target returns cannot be verified by reference to other systems (e,g ., as ASR-9 aircraft reports can be compared with beacon replies). The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system includes a Moving Target Simulator (MTS) which provides a point target equivalent to a 50 dBZ reflectivity weather return with an apparent radial velocity of 5 m/s. This report describes the installation results for a prototype MTS using the TDWR testbed radar in Orlando, FL. Procedures were developed for improved aiming of the MTS, using aiming of the MTS, using azimuth and elevation adjustments, which are recommended to be incorporated in the production MTS installation procedure. Initial data analyses indicate that the MTS returns from a typical radio tower would be useful for integrity monitoring in fair weather using typical TDWR filters. The use of the MTS when high -reflectivity weather or anomalous propagation (AP) is present needs further study.


Monitoring the performance of Doppler weather radars presents special problems since target returns cannot be verified by reference to other systems (e,g ., as ASR-9 aircraft reports can be compared with beacon replies). The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system includes a Moving Target Simulator (MTS) which provides a point...