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Real-time simulation for air traffic control research and development
An approach is suggested for the incremental use of real-time ATC simulations for concept development and human factors evaluation of automation systems. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics that distinguish research simulators from those used primarily for training. Four general levels of simulator fidelity are identified for two ATC environments...
Analysis of the potential benefits of Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA)
Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA) is an FAA research and development program to provide computer-aided sequencing, spacing, and management of air traffic flows in terminal areas. This paper discusses technical and national economic benefits that are attainable with such a terminal automation program.
Mode S Beacon System: a functional overview
This document provides a functional overview of the Mode S Beacon System, a combined secondary surveillance radar (beacon) and ground-air-ground data link system capable of providing the aircraft surveillance and communications necessary to support ATC automation in future traffic environments. Mode S is capable of common-channel interoperation with the current...
The effectiveness of adaptive PRF selection in minimizing range obscuration in the TDWR system
An adaptive procedure for selecting radar pulse repetition frequency (PRF) has been developed as the primary means of minimizing the occurence of range aliased echoes within operationaly significant coverage aread (e.g., airport runways) of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system. This procedure underwent extensive testing at the S-Band TDWR...
ASR-9 weather channel test report, executive summary
The ASR-9, the next generation Airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. Comparisons between data...
Storm models for end-to-end TDWR signal processing simulation tests
End-to-end qualification testing of teh Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) contractor signal processing system will be accomplished by a signal processing simulation test. Government furnished storm models will be used to provide inputs to the signal processor. The corresponding hazardous weather product results will be compared to hte results determined...
Use of features aloft in the TDWR microburst recognition algorithm
This paper describes the use of features aloft in the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TWDR) microburst recognition algorithm. The paper is divided into three sections: algorithm description, scan strategy and recent results. The prototype algorithm recognizes features aloft associated with microbursts, such as descending reflectivity cores and convergence aloft. The...
Gust front detection algorithm for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar: part 2, performance assessment
During the summer of 1988, the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) was conducted near Denver, CO. One of the objectives of this test was to assess the performance of the Gust Front Detection and Wind Shift Algorithms (Gust Front Algorithm) to be used in the...
Gust front detection algorithm for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar : part 1, current status
The gust front detection and wind shift algorithm is one of the two main algorithms developed for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) program. This two-part paper documents some recent enhancements to, and the current status of, the algorithm (Part 1) and presents some results from recent testing of the...
Microburst recognition performance of TDWR operational testbed
This paper describes current work in assessing the microburst recognition performance of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) operational testbed. The paper is divided into three main sections: microburst recognition algorithm, performance assessment methodology and results. The first section provides an overview of the prototype TDWR microburst recognition algorithm The...