A preliminary study of precursors to Huntsville microbursts
Lincoln Laboratory under the sponsorship of the FAA is currently developing automated algorithms for the detection of wind shears such as microbursts and gust fronts. Previous studies have shown that these outflows can be hazardous to an airplance during takeoffs and landings. The ultimate goal of a microburst detection algorithm...
Low-altitude wind shear detection with airport surveillance radars: evaluation of 1987 field measurements
A field measurement program is being conducted to investigate the capabilities of airport surveillance radars (ASR) to detect low altitude wind shear (LAWS). This capability would require minor RF signal path modifications in existing ASRs and the addition of a signal processing channel to measure the radial velocity of precipitation...
Preliminary results of the 1983 Coordinated Aircraft - Doppler weather radar turbulence experiment, volume 1
This report presents results of analyses of coordinated radar-aircraft data acquired form the 1983 experiment conducted at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts. The objective of the experiment is to assess and validate the current NEXRAD algorithms for estimating aircraft turbulence from volume-scanned Doppler weather observations. Estimates of the turbulence severity index epsilon...
TDWR PRF selection criteria
The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system shall provide high quality Doppler radar data on weather phenomena near high traffic airports. These data shall be used in real time by automated TDWR algorithms to detect weather situations which may be hazardous to the safe operation of aircraft within the vicinity...
Characteristics of microbursts observed in the Continental U.S.
The topic of microbursts is explored in this paper through a historical perspective and review of the studies that have been performed since Fujita (1976) first introduced the concept. Taken as a whole, this body of work actually defines microbursts, and begins to take some of the initial steps toward...
TDWR clutter residue map generation and usage
The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system is designed to provide high quality low altitude Doppler radar data near airports. Ground clutter suppression will be a major challenge to supplying such high quality Doppler data. To confront this challenge the FAA has specified stringent clutter suppression requirements in the TDWR...
Characteristics of microbursts in the continental United States
Microbursts - powerful downdrafts generally associated with thunderstorms that occur in hot, humid weather - have caused a number of aircraft crashes. To prevent future accidents, air traffic controllers must be able to detect, and predict, microburst events. All microbursts are not alike, however; several distinct weather patterns can produce...
A comparison of PAM-II and FLOWS mesonet data during COHMEX
Surface weather stations are being used in the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar program to assess the radar detectibility of wind shear and to help gain an understanding of microburst forcing mechanisms. During 1986, surface station networks operated by Lincoln Laboratory (FLOWS) and the National Center for Atmonspheric Research (PAM-II) were...
Ground clutter processing for wind measurements with airport surveillance radars
Modern airport surveillance radars (ASR) are coherent pulsed-Doppler radars used for detecting and tracking aircraft in terminal area air-space. These radars might serve an additional role by making radial wind measurements in the immediate vicinity of an airport to provide data on low altitude wind shear (LAWS). One factor that...
Automated detection of microburst windshear for terminal doppler weather radar
An image analysis method is presented for use in detecting strong windshear events, called microbursts, in Doppler weather radar images. This technique has been developed for use in a completely automated surveil-lance system being procured by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the protection of airport terminal areas. The detection...