Low-altitude wind shear characteristics in the Memphis, TN area based on mesonet and LLWAS data
As part of the 1984-85 FLOWS (FAA-Lincoln Laboratory Operational Weather Studies) Project, mesonet and Doppler radar data are being collected on rain and thunderstorms in the Memphis, TN area. One of the key goals of the FLOWS Project is to characterize and evaluate the various form of potentially aviation-hazardous low-altitude...
Evaluation of the ASR-9 weather reflectivity product
The ASR-9 is a modern airport surveillance radar (ASR) under procurement by the United States Federal Aviation Agency. The radar operates at S-band, providing range-azimuth position information on aircraft targets within a 111-km radius. A fully-coherent klystron amplifier, large dynamic range and digital signal processing enable high integrity target processing...
The FAA/MIT Lincoln Laboratory Doppler Weather Radar Program
Adverse weather is the leading cause of aircraft accidents in the United States. In order to improve hazardous weather detection and warning capability for aviation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is pursuing a two part Doppler weather radar program. The first part consists of a joint program with the National...
A gust front case studies handbook
Gust fronts produce low altitude wind shear that can be hazardous to aircraft operations, especially during takeoff and landing. Radar meteorologists have long been able to identify gust front signatures in Doppler radar data, but in order to use the radars efficiently, automatic detection of such hazards is essential. Eight...
An automatic weather station network for low-altitude wind shear investigations
During the summer of 1983 an experimental network of automatic weather stations (a mesonet) was operated in the vicinity of Hanscom Field, northwest of Boston, as part of a larger effort to collect Doppler radar and meteorological data on thunderstorms and other potentially hazardous weather events in this area. This...
A comparison of storm tracking and extrapolation algorithms
The FAA requires short-term forecasts of the development and motion of high reflectivity regions to plan for weather avoidance in the en route and terminal areas. Specific needs include choice of air routes and anticipating when to open or close approach/departure gates, descent corridors, and runways. This report compares storm-tracking...
A high stability TWTA for ground surveillance applications
A high stability, C-band transmitter capable of supporting -68 dBr subclutter visibility over a wide range of pulse widths and duty factors was developed for use in a multimode, battlefield surveillance radar. The transmitter was mode-switched between groups of 1/4, 20 and 65 microsecond radar pulses and long duration (100ms)...
Ground clutter cancellation for the NEXRAD system
Returns from the ground and associated obstacles surroudning a NEXRAD weather radar (i.e., ground clutter) will contaminate the estimates of weather echo spectral features (e.g., reflectivity, mean velocity, and spectral width). The ground clutter returns are particularly large at low elevation angles and close range (e.g., within 40 km). Additionally...
Doppler radar observations of an Oklahoma downburst
"Downbursts", first discovered by Dr. T. T. Fujita, are small intense downdrafts at very low altitudes which impact the surface and cause a divergent outflow of wind. They can occur under a variety of meteorological conditions as was demonstrated during the JAWS 1982 field experiment which took place in the...
Short-term prediction of high reflectivity contours for aviation safety
Airspace utilization and safety could benefit significantly from accurate, real-time, short-term predictions of hazardous weather regions (e.g., 5-30 minutes). For some hazards, such as heavy turbulence, the detection process itself is in an immature stage. No universally accepted algorithm exists for indicating the regions of current turbulence - let alone...