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Use of clutter residue editing maps during the Denver 1988 Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) tests

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-169


The Lincoln Laboratory Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) testbed operated in Denver, CO in 1987-88. This radar is a prototype of the wind shear detection radars scheduled to be installed by the FAA to provide warnings of possibly hazardous wind shear conditions in airport terminal areas. To obtain the required coverage at low altitudes (down to 100-200 meters above ground level), the antenna beam is required to scan at or very near the earth's surface. Strong ground clutter returns at these low elevation angles present a major problem in the detection of low reflectivity wind shear signals and pose a significant challenge to the mission of these radars. To address this problem, steps along several fronts are taken to mitigate the effects of clutter contamination. These include the use of narrow pencil-beam antennas to minimize ground illumination, suppression by high-pass clutter filters, and the use of clutter residue map editing. This report deals with the latter step, and focuses on the clutter environment experienced at the testbed site during April-October 1988 and its effect on clutter residue map usage. Since the clutter environment is subject to change over time -- due either to man-made or natural causes -- the residue maps require periodic updates to reflect the changing nature of the clutter. This is particularly important for radar systems such as these which rely on automated algorithms to detect subtle patterns and features in the radar returns. To study the frequency with which residue maps required replacement in Denver, clutter measurements recorded during this period were analyzed and are presented in this report as a series of clutter residue maps. The maps are compared and the short and long term changes analyzed. It is concluded that the overall changes during this time were relatively small and gradual, and that map updates at one to two month intervals were sufficient. The generation of the residue maps is described and the importance of collecting clutter data on clear, weather-free days, without the presence of anomalous propagation conditions is addressed. This report also describes the use of median estimation in the construction of the maps as an effective method of eliminating the occasional strong returns from moving reflectors, such as aircraft and vehicles, which would otherwise distort the maps.


The Lincoln Laboratory Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) testbed operated in Denver, CO in 1987-88. This radar is a prototype of the wind shear detection radars scheduled to be installed by the FAA to provide warnings of possibly hazardous wind shear conditions in airport terminal areas. To obtain the required...


A case study of the 24 August 1986, FLOWS microburst

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-162


From 1984 to 1986, Lincoln Laboratory under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) collected wind shear measurements in the southeastern United States using a pulsed Doppler radar. The major emphasis of the measurement program and subsequent analyses is the development and testing of algorithms that will enable the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) to provide wind shear warnings to the aviation community by detection and tracking gust fronts and microbursts. An important phase of the program involves determining appropriate scan strategies and algorithms to detect other radar measurable features which precede or accompany the surface outflows of microbursts. The detection of features aloft such as convergence, rotation, divergence, storm cells, and descending reflectivity cores may permit advanced recognition of the wind shear while it is less than 10 m/s. In this report a microburst on 24 August 1986 in Huntsville is analyzed with single and dual-Doppler techniques to assess microburst precursors, asymmetry, and forcing mechanisms which could be used for futute algorithm development. The microburst producing storm formed within a moist adiabatic, unstable air-mass with weak wind shear at low to mid-levels of the atmosphere. Rotation, convergence, divergent tops, and a descending core were detected prior to the outflow attaining a divergence of 10 m/s. This storm is similar to other Huntsville microburst producing cells in exhibiting upper-level divergence prior to the initial microburst outflow. Previous analyses of wind shear in Denver and Oklahoma did not discuss divergent tops as a possible microburst precursor. However, its relation to storm severity and hailstorm intensity has been reported by Witt and Nelson (1984) and NEXRAD Program Office (1985). In this case-study, the 3-dimensional microburst detection algorithm provided an early declaration of the event while the radial velocity differential was less than 10 m/s.


From 1984 to 1986, Lincoln Laboratory under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) collected wind shear measurements in the southeastern United States using a pulsed Doppler radar. The major emphasis of the measurement program and subsequent analyses is the development and testing of algorithms that will enable the...


Development of an automated windshear detection system using doppler weather radar

Published in:
Proc. IEEE, Vol. 77, No. 11, November 1989, pp. 1661-1673.


The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system to determine the location and severity of LAWS (low-altitude windshear) phenomena and other weather hazards (e.g. tornadoes and turbulence) and to provide the pertinent information to real-time air traffic control users. The FAA program for developing and evaluating the TDWR is described, with emphasis on the resolution of key technical issues such as separation of the radar return due to the low-altitude weather phenomena from that caused by various clutter sources and the automatic detection of the phenomena by means of pattern recognition applied to images depicting the weather reflectivity and Doppler shift. These technical issues have been addressed using experimental data obtained using a testbed radar in representative meteorological regimes. The system performance has been assessed using numerous experimental windshear data sets with corresponding 'truth' developed by experienced radar meteorologists from a number of organizations. It is shown that the system provides very reliable detection of strong microbursts in a variety of environments with a gust-front detection capability that supports effective planning of airport runway use.


The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system to determine the location and severity of LAWS (low-altitude windshear) phenomena and other weather hazards (e.g. tornadoes and turbulence) and to provide the pertinent information to real-time air traffic control users. The FAA program for...


The relationship between lightning type and convective state of thunderclouds

Published in:
J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 94, No. D11, 30 September 1989, pp. 13,213-13,220.


Thunderstorm case studies and earlier observations are described which illuminate the relationship between cloud vertical development and the prevalence of intracloud (IC) and cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning. A consistent temporal evolution starting with peak IC activity changing to predominant CG activity and concluding with strong outflow (microburst) suggests that ice is responsible for both the electrical (i.e., lightning) and dynamical (i.e., microburst) phenomena. The IC activity is attributed to the updraft-driven accumulation of graupel particles in the central dipole region, and the subsequent CG activity to the descent of ice particles beneath the height of the main negative charge. The subsequent descent and melting of ice particles beneath the height of the 0 degree C isotherm are associated with the acceleration of the downdraft and outflow. The IC lightning precursor can provide a valuable short-term (5-10 min) warning for microburst hazard at ground level.


Thunderstorm case studies and earlier observations are described which illuminate the relationship between cloud vertical development and the prevalence of intracloud (IC) and cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning. A consistent temporal evolution starting with peak IC activity changing to predominant CG activity and concluding with strong outflow (microburst) suggests that ice is...


Mode S Beacon System: a functional overview

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-150


This document provides a functional overview of the Mode S Beacon System, a combined secondary surveillance radar (beacon) and ground-air-ground data link system capable of providing the aircraft surveillance and communications necessary to support ATC automation in future traffic environments. Mode S is capable of common-channel interoperation with the current ATC beacon system, and may be implemented over an extended transition period. Mode S will provide the surveillance and communication performance required by ATC automation, the reliable communications needed to support data link services, and the capability of operating with a terminal or enroute, radar digitizer-equipped, ATC surveillance radar. The material contained in this document serves as an introduction to the more detailed information contained in "Mode S Beacon System: Functional Description." DOT/FAA/PM-86/19, 29 August 1986.


This document provides a functional overview of the Mode S Beacon System, a combined secondary surveillance radar (beacon) and ground-air-ground data link system capable of providing the aircraft surveillance and communications necessary to support ATC automation in future traffic environments. Mode S is capable of common-channel interoperation with the current...


Microburst detection with airport surveillance radars

Published in:
34th Ann. Air Traffic Control Associsation., 30 October 1989 - 2 November 1989, pp. 514-522.


With the advent of fully digital signal processing for new airport surveillance radars (ASR-9), terminal air traffic control displays will be largely free of clutter from precipitation and ground scatterers [1,2]. Early acceptance testing of the ASR-9, however, indicated that working air traffic controllers actually made considerable use of the weather echo information on their displays. To reinsert weather data in a non-interfering manner, the ASR-9's signal processor was augmented with a dedicated channel for processing and displaying six quantitative levels of precipitation reflectivity (i.e. rain rate) [2,3]. This processor does not utilize tile radar's coherency, other than for Doppler filtering of ground clutter echoes. In this paper, we describe processing techniques that would allow airport surveillance radars to extend their weather measurement capability to the detection of microburst-generated low altitude wind shear. The two principal technical challenges are the development of (i) signal processing to suppress ground clutter and estimate the near surface radial wind component in each radar resolution cell; (ii) image processing to automatically detect hazardous shear in the resulting velocity field. The techniques have been evaluated extensively using simulated weather signals and measurements from an experimental airport surveillance radar in the southeastern United States. Overall our analysis indicates that microbursts accompanied by rain at the surface -- the predominant safety hazard in many parts of the U.S. --could be detected with high confidence using a suitably modified ASR. In the following section we describe briefly the background and potential operational role of an ASR-based wind shear detection system. We then discuss the primary technical issues for achieving this capability and our evaluations of processing methods that address these issues.


With the advent of fully digital signal processing for new airport surveillance radars (ASR-9), terminal air traffic control displays will be largely free of clutter from precipitation and ground scatterers [1,2]. Early acceptance testing of the ASR-9, however, indicated that working air traffic controllers actually made considerable use of the...


The effectiveness of adaptive PRF selection in minimizing range obscuration in the TDWR system

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-164


An adaptive procedure for selecting radar pulse repetition frequency (PRF) has been developed as the primary means of minimizing the occurence of range aliased echoes within operationaly significant coverage aread (e.g., airport runways) of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system. This procedure underwent extensive testing at the S-Band TDWR testbed while located in Denver, CO, where it was judged to be highly successful at preserving the integrity of data collected within the vicinity of the Stapleton International Airport runways. The actual TDWR system will operate at a C-Band frequency, and an increase in potential range obscuration is expected over that experience by the S-band testbed. This report discusses the anticipated performance of the PRF selection procedure in the C-Band environment by extrapolating results obtained using S-Band testbed data. The results conclusively demonstrate the efficacy of adaptive PRF selection as a method by which to reduce potential range obscuration. A worst-case scenario, for example, indicates that over 20% of the TDWR radar collected about the airport runways has the potential for being contaminated with range aliased echoes at any given time during TDWR surveillance operations. With adaptive PRF selection, however, the expected obscuration is reduced to only 3%. (The corresponding figures for the S-Band testbed are shown to be 14& rather than 20% and 1% rather than 3%). While adaptive PRF selection can substantially reduce range obscuration, it cannot totally eliminate the problem. An enhancement to the PRF selection strategy, which further reduces the potential range obscuration, is introduced and recommended. Additionally, the complementary use of pulse-to-pulse phase modulation to exact valid velocity measurements in the presence of range contamination is discussed and preliminary experimental results presented.


An adaptive procedure for selecting radar pulse repetition frequency (PRF) has been developed as the primary means of minimizing the occurence of range aliased echoes within operationaly significant coverage aread (e.g., airport runways) of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system. This procedure underwent extensive testing at the S-Band TDWR...


Dual-beam autocorrelation based wind estimates from airport surveillance radar signals

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-167


This report describes an efficient, autocorrelation based algorithm for estimating low altitude radial winds using signals from the two receiving beams of an airport surveillance radar (ASR). The approach seeks to achieve the accuracy demonstrated previously for spectral domain dual beam velocity estimators with significantly reduced computational requirements. Fundamental to the technique is the assumption that the power spectrum measured with an airport surveillance radar's broad elevation beam can be fitted by a two component Gaussian model. The parameters of this model are estimated using measured low-order autocorrelation lags from the low and high beam received signals. The desired near surface radial velocity estimate is obtained directly as one of these parameters -- the center frequency of the "low altitude" Gaussian spectrum component. Simualted data and field measurements from Lincoln Laboratory's experimental ASR-8 in Huntsville, Alabama were used to evaluate the accuracy of the autocorrelation based velocity estimates. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that biases relative to the near surface outflow velocity in a microburst would be less than 2.5 m/s unless the microburst were distant (range > 12 km) or very shallow (depth of maximum wind speed layer < 50 m). Estimate standard deviations averaged 0.5 m/s after the spatial filtering employed in our processing sequence. The algorithm's velocity estimate accuracy was sufficient to allow for automatic detection of measured microbursts during 1988 with a detection probability exceeding 0.9 and a false alarm probability less than 0.05. Our analyses indicates that the dual-beam autocorrelation based velocity estimator should support ASR with shear detection at approximately the same level of confidence as the low-high beam spectral differencing algorithm evaluated by Weber and Noyes (1988).


This report describes an efficient, autocorrelation based algorithm for estimating low altitude radial winds using signals from the two receiving beams of an airport surveillance radar (ASR). The approach seeks to achieve the accuracy demonstrated previously for spectral domain dual beam velocity estimators with significantly reduced computational requirements. Fundamental to...


ASR-9 weather channel test report

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-165


The ASR-9, the next generation airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. This report presents results of an assessment of the ASR-9 weather channel performance. Two issues addressed are: (1) whether the ASR-9 weather channel performs according to FAA specifications, and (2) whether the ASR-9 weather channel adequately represents weather reflectivity for ATC purposes. These measurement results are intended to support the FAA in developing the operational use of ASR-9 weather information. Comparisons between data from an ASR-9 in Huntsville, Alabama, recorded during design qualification and testing, and data from two other "reference" radars were used as the basis for the assessment. Several storm cases were analyzed, comprised of stratiform rain, isolated convective storms, squall lines, and cold fronts containing multiple simultaneous convective storms. Results suggest that, with the exception of an apparent 3 dB discrepancy between the weather products of the ASR-9 and the "reference" radars, the ASR-9 weather channel seems to perform according to FAA specifications. Although the ASR-9 products give a reasonable representation of the extent and severity of potentially hazardous weather in Huntsville, the results suggest that the static storm model used to determine beamfill corrections for the ASR-9 should be optimized for the particular climatic region in which an ASR-9 will be operated.


The ASR-9, the next generation airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. This report presents...


ASR-9 weather channel test report, executive summary

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-168


The ASR-9, the next generation Airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. Comparisons between data from an ASR-9 in Huntsville, Alabama, recorded during design qualification and testing, and data from two other "reference" radars, were used as the basis for assessment of ASR-9 weather channel performance. Results suggest that, with the exception of an apparent 3 dB discrepancy between the weather products of the ASR-9 and the "reference" radars, the ASR-9 weather channel seems to perform according to FAA specifications.


The ASR-9, the next generation Airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. Comparisons between data...